Mother’s Day, New Moon, Uranus Enters Taurus
Mother’s Day is Sunday;Tuesday is the new moon (24.36 degrees Taurus) and soon after, Uranus (planet of revolution, ultimate change) enters Taurus (stabilizing new archetypes, new ideas). This is a
Waif Watchersand
You Had Me At Hell
Waif Watchers I’m a 33-year-old woman, and I’ve always been thin. I lost about 12 pounds after a tough breakup. I’m working on getting back to a healthier weight. However,
Endship Ringand
To The Bitter Friend
Endship Ring I was roommates with a girl five years ago. I was a spoiled brat for many years, but I’ve worked very hard to change. She, on the other
Putting The Removes On Someone and Hello. Is It Me You’re Cooking For?
Putting The Removes On Someone I recently had my addiction recovery memoir published. I’m very honest and vulnerable in it, and readers feel super-connected to me because of it. Most
Wesak — Buddha Full Moon Festival
Sunday eveningis the Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival. Since Winter Solstice, Disciples around the world have been preparing for the full moon of Taurus. A time when the Forces of
World Prayer in Times of Crisis
A new world crisis began last week. When crisis occurs, the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) stand together in the Seed Group called “The Observers”, observing with poise, gathering
Girl-On-Girl Inaction and For Whom The Cell Tolls
Girl-On-Girl Inaction I hate to be trite, but my wife and I are experiencing “lesbian bed death.” We’ve been happily married for three years. I’m not sure why we’re not
Mercury Direct & Aries New Moon
Wednesday Venus trines Mars – our relationships become most important to tend to. Simultaneously, Sun inconjuncts Jupiter – we have more love and compassion for others. Friday Venus sextiles Neptune
A Brief History Of Tameand
Darth Vaper
I’m a 45-year-old single guy seeking a long-term relationship. My problem is that when I’m interacting with a woman I’m attracted to, my ability to read whether she’s interested in
Hipster Replacement and The Customer Is Always Frightened
Backbone To The Future I’m a man in my 60s. Looking back on my romantic life, I was always the guy women spent time with when their husband or boyfriend