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Advice Goddess

Totally Flawsome

I’m a single 33-year-old woman. Suddenly, after years of outdoor sports, I have a dime-sized dark brown sunspot on my face. It’s not cancerous, and I’m having it lasered off.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Lunar Eclipse — The Past Disappears

We have a complex week coming up, preparing us for the super blue moon total lunar eclipse January 31st. Lunar eclipses mean the moon’s light/energy is hidden, something in form

Advice Advice Goddess

Totally Flawsome

I’m a single 33-year-old woman. Suddenly, after years of outdoor sports, I have a dime-sized dark brown sunspot on my face. It’s not cancerous, and I’m having it lasered off.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Becoming Grownups

Uranus is part of the new moon, Wednesday night/Thursday morning. Uranus brings humanity vital and unrelenting change. The question at the new moon, and continuing onto the full blue moon

Advice Advice Goddess

Burden Of “Poof!”

Out of the blue, my boyfriend of two years broke up with me. Not long afterward, I saw pix on Facebook of him with some other girl. It’s been two

Risa's Astrology

Saturn in Capricorn – New Rule of Law

As this column is published five planets (Mercury, Venus, Sun, Saturn and Pluto) are in Capricorn. It is a most potent stellium (gathering of planets). Saturn entered Capricorn at winter

Advice Goddess

Guess Pains and Mommy Dreariest

Guess Pains I got dumped four months ago, and I’m still not sure what happened. All of my boyfriend’s explanations seemed vague, and the breakup really came out of nowhere.

Advice Advice Goddess

Guess Pains


Mommy Dreariest

Guess Pains I got dumped four months ago, and I’m still not sure what happened. All of my boyfriend’s explanations seemed vague, and the breakup really came out of nowhere.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Saturn in Capricorn – New Rule of Law

As this column is published five planets (Mercury, Venus, Sun, Saturn and Pluto) are in Capricorn. It is a most potent stellium (gathering of planets). Saturn entered Capricorn at winter

Advice Advice Goddess

Sleep Actually


Head Over Heals

Sleep Actually My husband and I have been married for eight years. We have a 5-year-old son, and we both work full time. We used to have these amazing crazy