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Moby Dickhead

Your boyfriend’s just lucky nobody’s suspected he’s lying about what he’s read and tried to trip him up — maybe with “It’s like Heathcliff wandering the moors searching for Cathy after she was abducted by aliens!” or “What a relief when Romeo rushed Juliet to the hospital and they pumped her stomach!”

Advice Risa's Astrology

Giving Thanks – the Thought Form of Solution

We are in the time and under the influence of Sagittarius, sign of the wanderer, of good food, good music, and the joy (Jupiter as ruler) that occurs from giving to other while simultaneously and from our hearts also giving thanks.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Over Hills & Plains, Riding a White Horse, Bow & Arrows in Hand

The energies shift from Scorpio’s deep and transformative waters to the “hills and plains of Sagittarius”. Sag is the rider on a white horse, eyes focused on the mountain peaks of Capricorn (Initiation) ahead. Like Scorpio, Sagittarius is also the “disciple.”

Advice Advice Goddess

Scoot Force

If you aren’t European or a hipster married to another hipster, it’s a little dismaying when your husband’s new ride looks like it came in a pink package marked “Barbie doll sold separately.”

Advice Advice Goddess

Along Came Polygraph

On the success-in-crime scale, this is like getting picked up by the cops for bank robbery — because the bank manager spotted you making off with that pen on a chain.

Advice Risa's Astrology

New Pathways, Rhythms & Ways of Being

The week is filled with heavenly squares, triangles, rectangles, lines and conjunctions as the planets accelerate their interactions with each other.

Advice Advice Goddess

Scold Rush

There are times when directness is best. Like if you’re an air traffic controller. What’s important is not that you make the pilot feel supported in his life goals but that he brings the plane to a stop on the runway instead of in some lady’s pool.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Scorpio – Doing No Harm – Ahimsa

Thursday is full moon, Scorpio solar festival. The focus is on the Scorpio keynote, “Warriors we are & from the battles we emerge triumphant.”

Advice Advice Goddess

The Agony Of Delete

Unfortunately, personal disasters like getting dumped get none of the funding and attention of natural disasters.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Altars of Remembrance, Forgiveness & Rapprochement

We’re in Scorpio now – things mysterious, ageless, hidden, sometimes scary.