Will Onesies Never Cease?
A lot of people use Facebook to announce their accomplishments: “I became CEO of the company!” “I got into Juilliard!” And then there’s your friend: “We had sex without birth control, and look at what happened!”
Libra’s Two Choices
Libra (our last week) is the sign of creating Right Relations & Values. In Libra we are asked to choose how to be, our identity, in the world.
True Heroes Amidst Weary Humanity
We have a complex week beginning Wednesday the eighth with the full moon lunar eclipse.
Fasten Your Bible Belt
It’s Jesus’ birthday, but seeing as you guys aren’t that close, you figured he wouldn’t mind if you skipped it.
Heavy Meddle
It’s normal to keep some personal information secret from the person you’re dating – like your exact income or the fact that you belt out Lynyrd Skynyrd in the car every day on your way to work.
To Leech According To Her Needs
You need to establish a new house rule: “Residents and their guests can experience only one climate at a time.”
Rosh Hashanah – Calling the Shofar
Under the shadow of the Libra new moon, the Jewish High Holy Days (ten days) begin Thursday with Rosh Hashanah.
I like to offer “Don’t have sex!” as a form of practical advice — usually just as I’m getting into my flying car.
Autumn Equinox, the Peace Equation & Virgo New Moon
Sunday is the UN International Day of Peace. Monday is Autumn equinox as Sun enters Libra (Right Relations with all of life). The Soul Year now begins.
The Revolution Must Be Different
The Aries Moon will be here late Wednesday and Thursday. We think new thoughts and initiate new ideas. Sun in Virgo with Saturn in Scorpio help disciples to create orderly structures to anchor and bring forth new ideas.