Crazy Cad Lady
Four months ago, I started hooking up with this hot guy I met on Tinder. He isn’t someone I’d normally go for; he’s a total mess and serious trouble. He
Leo – Shining Like Sunlight
Leo is the month in which we praise one another. Recognizing the creative luminous light of purpose within everyone’s life.
Labors of Hercules – from Cancer to Leo
Each of the twelve signs provides humanity with a task, a specific labor, which helps humanity recognize and step upon the Path of Return.
People Who Needle People
Yesterday, on the phone with my boyfriend, I had to ask him to repeat something he’d just said because I’d become briefly mesmerized by a big fern shimmying in the breeze. No, sadly, I wasn’t all “Sorry, I missed that bit because my couch caught fire.” The man was competing for my attention with a plant.
Venus, Evening Star, Calling Us to Vespers
On Thursday, July 14, Venus becomes the Evening Star in our night sky. setting a few hours after sunset. Venus remains a bright glittering “star” until December 31, the last day of 2016.
Stray It Forward
There are many people who cross ethical lines at work, but most of them just do it by taking home Post-its or a stapler.
Crab, Scarab, Tortoise, Cherubim & the Family of Man
We are in the month and sign of Cancer. Looking around our world we might see images that pertain to Cancer; crab, scarab, tortoise, gates, waters, mother with child, angels (the Cherubim who protect mothers and children).
Skinny Genes
There’s that saying, “You are what you eat.” Apparently, your girlfriend ate a supermodel.
Fasten Your Deceit Belt
Welcome to Moral High Ground, population: you. Wow, so that’s your real weight on your driver’s license?
Cancer New Moon & the United States Birthday
There are many icons for the sign of Cancer.