Risa's Astrology
A New Year – Looking Back into the Future
The new year of 2016 begins Friday. Adding the numbers 2+1+6 equals nine (9). Nine signifies endings, completion, fulfillment and a major initiation (all year) into a new cycle of learning.
Winter Solstice, Gifts, Our Eyes Toward Bethlehem
Monday, the 21st, at 8:48 pm (west coast time) the Sun enters Capricorn. The days before solstice (and Christmas) are days of quiet expectancy.
Forces of Light & Dark & the New Group of World Servers
Wednesday, December 9, Pluto opposes Sirius (13 Capricorn/Cancer joining the US Sun, 12 Cancer).
Gratitude – For Each New Morning With its Light
The full moon of Wednesday brings light to Thanksgiving (Thursday) under the Sagittarius Sun and Mercury. Mercury in Sag offers humanity the message (Mercury) of thankfulness and joy (Jupiter).
Simplicity – Preparing for Thanksgiving
When we study and apply astrology in our daily lives, we are anchoring new Aquarian thinking. Study, application and use of astrology, understanding its language, builds the new world, the new culture and civilization.
Diwali – Festival of Light Over Darkness, an Autumn Festival
Wednesday is quiet. Thursday is transformative, surprising, Friday is detailed, Saturday we seek balance, Sunday we remember to love more, Monday wounds appear, Tuesday we communicate about those wounds.
Halloween, Altars, Forgiveness
Saturn, the Dweller on the Threshold (one side) and the Angel of the Presence (the other side) can be interesting Halloween characters.
Sun Enters Scorpio, United Nation’s Day, Full Moon
Wednesday and Thursday (21st, 22nd) are the last days of Libra. Friday, a very complex day, Sun enters Scorpio. During Scorpio we can expect the Nine Personality Tests, Scorpio’s emphasis on death and regeneration and its call to Discipleship.
Choices Offered in Libra
This is our last week of Libra Sun. Libra prepares us for Scorpio. For the tests and trials of discipleship. Libra is the sign that oscillates up and down until we come to rest, to a state of contemplation, the meditation in Libra.
Mercury Direct in Libra, Columbus Day, Libra New Moon,“Let Choice Be Made”
Mercury completes its retrograde Friday, poised stationary direct Friday evening at 0 Libra. Mercury begins its journey through Libra once again, completing its retrograde shadow October 12.