Risa's Astrology
Halloween, Altars, Forgiveness
Saturn, the Dweller on the Threshold (one side) and the Angel of the Presence (the other side) can be interesting Halloween characters.
Sun Enters Scorpio, United Nation’s Day, Full Moon
Wednesday and Thursday (21st, 22nd) are the last days of Libra. Friday, a very complex day, Sun enters Scorpio. During Scorpio we can expect the Nine Personality Tests, Scorpio’s emphasis on death and regeneration and its call to Discipleship.
Choices Offered in Libra
This is our last week of Libra Sun. Libra prepares us for Scorpio. For the tests and trials of discipleship. Libra is the sign that oscillates up and down until we come to rest, to a state of contemplation, the meditation in Libra.
Mercury Direct in Libra, Columbus Day, Libra New Moon,“Let Choice Be Made”
Mercury completes its retrograde Friday, poised stationary direct Friday evening at 0 Libra. Mercury begins its journey through Libra once again, completing its retrograde shadow October 12.
Saturn in Sagittarius –Beginning the Noble Journey
A few hours after Mercury retrograded last week, Saturn (teacher, discipline, structure, Dweller on the Threshold), after two & a half years in Scorpio, entered Sagittarius, sign of the Archer. Saturn remains in Sagittarius ‘til December 20, 2017.
Mercury Retrograde, Fall Equinox, Yom Kippur, Forgiveness
We have a complex week ahead. Wednesday Jupiter opposite Neptune (Virgo/Pisces). Synthesis. A most auspicious, kind and loving day.
Calling Humanity, Humanity in Crisis
There is a humanitarian crisis in Europe. Affecting the world. Thousands of refugees, forced out of their countries due to war, persecution, terrorism, injustices, slavery, violence, death squads, etc., seeking refuge & asylum in many European countries.
Venus Direct, Mercury Retro Soon, Honoring Our Labors
As Burning Man (9 days, Aug. 30-Sept. 7 in the sign of Virgo) burns in the hot white desert sands, a petal of the rose created by retrograde Venus & the 12-petaled Sun in Virgo petals unfold.
Seasons of Opportunity
Everything in our world has a specific time (a season) in which to accomplish a specific work. A “season” that begins (opportunity) and ends (time’s up).
The Secret Life of Virgo
Careful on Thursday. We could stumble, wound, hurt, be unaware, have revelations that create a revolution.