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Risa's Astrology

Building a Lighted House for Humanity

We are now under the sign of Cancer, the first water sign, the second cardinal (initiating) sign. Cancer is the “gate into matter.” It signifies the womb of the mother

Family Friendly

Wild engineering: ‘Creatividad Silvestre’ introduces biomimicry to Amazeum explorers

Did you know that a creature as tiny as an ant taught architects better ways to keep skyscrapers cool? That the shape of a kingfisher’s beak inspired the design for

Cover Story

Cherokee Nation considers history of slavery in exhibit at U.S. Marshals Museum

Melissa Payne has always known she was “Indian” — her choice of descriptor — and that her ancestors came to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears. Where her lineage gets


The best kind of stupid: ArtsLive’s ‘Stinky Cheese Man’ provides community for actors, laughs for audience

“It’s seriously stupid — in the best way,” says director Chris Hutchings of the latest production at Arts Live Theatre in Fayetteville. “Parents are going to love it. Kids will


Music! Music! Music!: Amram, McMurtry, Deslondes, more make WoodyFestMusic! Music! Music!:

More than 50 performers are on deck for the annual Woody Guthrie Folk Festival July 10-14 in Okemah, Okla. Scheduled for this year are Annie Guthrie, Serena Guthrie, Beat Root


To thine own self be true: Fenix exhibit, ‘Transfigure,’ explores queer identity outside of the big city

When speaking to Amber Imbrie, who curated “Transfigure: Transformation As A Revolutionary Act,” the latest exhibit at Fenix Arts, it’s clear the artist was intentional about every detail of the

8 Days a Week

8 Days a Week

At The Theatre “Responders” — A world premiere of the dark comedy by Joseph Scott Ford, 2 p.m. June 30, TheatreSquared in Fayetteville. $43-$68. 777-7477 or Opera In The


LIVE! Music: Black country musicians highlighted in anniversary film screening at Fayetteville Public Library

A free screening of “Waiting in the Wings: African Americans in Country Music,” is set for 2 p.m. June 30 at the Fayetteville Public Library. The event is a celebration

Male Call

Correct length for cardigans and blazers depend on the wearer

Q. I know it’s warm weather season, but I still wear a cardigan or a blazer in an over air-conditioned restaurant. I was shopping for both of these, and was