Fantastic Beasts of Northwest Arkansas
It’s often said that we fear what we do not understand. Learning about some of our fanged friends and native neighbors can help assuage our fears when confronted with one.
Halloween, Altars, Forgiveness
Saturn, the Dweller on the Threshold (one side) and the Angel of the Presence (the other side) can be interesting Halloween characters.
Ghost Hunters: Paranormal Group Investigates Hauntings
Adrian Scalf is a self-described skeptic, but through several experiences he’s become a believer in the paranormal.
The Hurt And Confused Locker
Sure, according to Pat Benatar, “love is a battlefield.” But spending three months fighting with a sociopathic boyfriend doesn’t leave you ducking for cover whenever a car backfires like a guy who did three tours of IED disposal in Iraq and came home with most of the parts he went in with.
Fayetteville Senior Center Begins Food Waste Program
In an effort to reduce senior hunger in Arkansas, the Fayetteville Senior Recreation and Activities Center is partnering up with a national foundation to help optimize its food resources and programs and reduce food waste.
On Communication and Appreciation
“Most of the really confident people I met were actually rather stupid.” —John Cleese, So anyway… We lost the developer of nonviolent communication this year, Marshall Rosenberg (1934-2015), a man
Sun Enters Scorpio, United Nation’s Day, Full Moon
Wednesday and Thursday (21st, 22nd) are the last days of Libra. Friday, a very complex day, Sun enters Scorpio. During Scorpio we can expect the Nine Personality Tests, Scorpio’s emphasis on death and regeneration and its call to Discipleship.
Halloween Event Guide 2015
Readers, it’s come to our attention that there are just so many great things to do for Halloween this year, that this week’s cover story needed to cover all of it.
Going Green, Even After Death
We often talk about green living, but seldom mention green dying.
Rowling Shows The Darkness In Third ‘Strike’ Novel
Career of Evil, the third entry into Robert Galbraith’s (pen name for Nerd Queen, JK Rowling) Coromoran Strike mystery novels, is the best they have been yet.