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Making Ripples

Safe, Sustainable Roadside Mowing

Land management is a lot like cooking.

Advice Advice Goddess

Is This Deceit Taken?

After a certain point — the French tactfully call it “un certain age” — a woman’s birthday tends to come but once every two or three years.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Scarab Solar Festival Full Moon

We continue to be under the influence of Cancer (Ray 3, sign of liberty and freedom). Cancer is the Gate through which Spirit enters Matter.


The Paradox of Discussing Body Image

It must suck to be a woman sometimes.


Strand of Oaks Album Visceral, Honest

The music on “HEAL” has an ability to put the listener exactly into the mindset of the song, whether it’s teenage angst, anger or vindication.


A Fruitless Pastime

Sometimes it’s hard to get away from your past.


Arkansas Band To Release 1st Interactive Album

Never before has the listener been able to play such an important role in the production for an album they want to buy.

Family Friendly

Nightbird Books to Host Week of Events

For eight years, Nightbird has been supporting Fayetteville’s community, literary groups, and artistic endeavors. Now, with help from the community, Nightbird Books has organized a week’s worth of activities to “Feed the Bird” to help keep the bookstore operational and serve as a way to say thank you to the community.


Folk Band Finds Harmony in Delta Music

The ladies of the Louisiana delta folk duo Silo start each of their shows by assembling and schlepping “ten thousand things” out of their “tour van.”


Dance Like Melissa Isn’t Watching

You used to be able to even see a dancing park ranger, which I think would be pretty cool, but Melissa Parsons came in and sucked the fun out of that.