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Attendees of ‘Smart and Sexy’ 2012 at the Climax event held at Nightbird Books on Dickson.
Learn The Basics And Complexities Of Sexuality During A Week Of Entertaining, Educational Events
By Terrah Baker
Students for Gender Equality at the UofA knew when they held ‘Smart and Sexy’ 2012 that there were people in the community who wanted to learn about sex, their own sexuality and discuss how gender plays a role in that. What they didn’t expect was over 300 students and community members flocking to their week of events, eager to discuss those issues and more.
“We got really good feedback from people who said they enjoyed the information and had a good time and learned a lot,” Co-President of the group Andrea Love said.
What did they learn? Things like how to put on a condom, what healthy sex looks like, what being bi-sexual, transgender and queer means, how to discuss sexuality and negotiate consent. Things that aren’t discussed or taught in most Arkansas and Texas school systems which hold an abstinence-only focused curriculum. This year, they’re having the events again and upping the education and entertainment.
“It’s more than just how to put on a condom, it’s the underlying issues, real techniques, and theory behind sexuality and gender and how they fit together to form a healthy sexuality,” Love explained.
The Free Weekly will be attending the ‘Smart and Sexy’ events in order to bring you the information they provide. Don’t take that as an excuse to miss the festivities as again this year the burlesque team and guest speakers will be there to share their experiences and knowledge.
“We’re trying to provide a place for people who don’t have any experience to come and learn about it in a way that’s not scary or biased. We’re having people who represent these communities present about it, so it’s not propaganda, it’s just people telling their stories,” Love said.
The events are intended for everyone, from people waiting for marriage to jump into the sex game or for those who are comfortable with taking off their clothes in public. Because of last year’s success, the group received funding from UofA’s Gender Studies program, and now have a website at www.uarkgender.wordpress.com. All events will include free condoms and door prizes.
***Separate Box:
Smart and Sexy Sex Education Week Events
Monday, Sept. 23
>> Movie Night! Screening Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied Up
A film about gender identity.
6 – 8 p.m. AU503 – Food and drinks provided
Tuesday, Sept. 24
>> Turning OUCH Into Oooh: Treating Pain with Sex
A local sex blogger will discuss their experience in using sex to treat chronic illness and pain.
6 – 7 p.m. AU308 – Food and drinks provided
>> Bystander Intervention Interactive strategies to make a difference in a dangerous situation, specifically focusing on sexual violence. 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. – AU308 – Food and drinks provided
Wednesday, September 25
KIMPEL 205 and 209
>> 5:30-6:30 p.m. – Gender 101 – Dr. Lisa Corrigan will explain the vocabulary and concepts essential to understanding the connections between gender and sexuality.
>> 6:30-7:30 p.m. – Sex 101: The Sex Ed You Never Had in High School – Laura Phillips LPN will teach a course about the basics of sex ed.
>> 7:45-8:30 p.m. – Rape Culture – Dr. Kristen Jozkowski will present on the alarming rate of sexual violence on college campuses and in broader culture, and ways to dismantle it.
Thursday, September 26
Panel Discussions – AU507
>> 6-7:15 p.m. – Polyamory – Hear from local representatives of the polyamory community on their experiences practicing “consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy.”
>> 7-8 p.m. – Trans* – A transgender man, transgender woman, and a genderqueer person will discuss their experiences. – Food and drinks provided.
Friday, September 27
>> Information Fair Local community and campus groups related to health, violence prevention, social change, and gender will provide free information to students about their services. 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Arkansas Union Connections Lounge
>> THE CLIMAX Join us at the CLIMAX of Sex Week at Nightbird Books for Kink 101, Sexier Sex Ed, music, dancing, door prizes, drinks, and more! 8 p.m. – Nightbird Books on Dickson St. – Food and drinks available for purchase at Nightbird.