Give It A Thai
The Pra Ram Long Song was divine. The peanut sauce was creamy but had crushed peanuts in it for a little bit of a crunch. It was some of the best I’ve ever had. Seriously good stuff.
What The Frack?
With a combination of humor and horror, “Gasland” addresses rampant water and air contamination and ill health effects, including some famous scenes of tap water lighting on fire.
A Porter In The Storm
Anchor Porter has been brewed by Anchor Brewing Co. in San Francisco since the early 1970s.
So, His Wild Oats
We were picking a movie to watch on his laptop, and I noticed one of his browser pages was opened to He saw that I saw it but said nothing.
Mexico: TEA Party Paradise?
DEAR MEXICAN: I can’t help thinking of Mexico as a Tea Party paradise. Mexican taxes are very low. There are few regulations, and environmentalists, socialists and liberals are few and far between.
Gay Arkansas
Whenever I make new gay friends and tell them I live in Arkansas, I usually receive some patronizing words of good luck or of how difficult it must be to live and be an activist in such a backward state.
Welcome To Gayetteville
Our marginalization is the source of our power and identity — not a sign of weakness. We must use our collective experience to make the changes we deserve.
Parking Tweaked
At the last meeting on May 5, the City Council approved another tweak to the pay parking program in the downtown entertainment district.
Profile: May 12
I am a dispatcher at Central EMS. I’ve worked there since May of 2006; five years this month. I answer 911 calls and send ambulances and about 17 rural fire departments to emergency locations.