Facilitating the Great Reskilling
Esoteric Astrology as news for week Oct. 15-21, 2009
By Risa D’Angeles
During Libra (Sun) and with Saturn entering Libra (Oct. 29), we contemplate and assess what we know, don’t know and need to know. Libra distributes Ray 3 (intelligence). Having intelligence allows us to choose the two paths Libra offers. Libra skillfully prepares us for the great tests in Scorpio (the times to come). In Libra we learn the nature of polarized energies (s/he loves me, s/he loves me not) and we learn more about ourselves through others. Libra’s Ray 3 asks us to become more adaptable and skillful and to teach each others what we are skilled in.
We are in a time presently referred to by Joanna Macy as “The Great Turning.” Describing a shift from industrial growth to a more life-sustaining civiliziation, from a society of greed and centralized corporate control to a society of relocalization and sharing. Esoterically this is referred to as the new materialism – a reorientation toward a sharing society.
Simultaneously, in towns and cities around the world and as a result of peak oil and climate change considerations there is a movement taking hold called Transition Town Initiative (TTI) – a model for shifting from centralization to decentralization, from outer corporate control to local control of all resources and humanity’s endeavors. Within the TTI movement’s ten guidposts is The Great Reskilling – a process calling for (re)learning basic survival skills we haven’t learned, forgot to learn or don’t remember we learned from parents, grandparents or great-grandparents (who survived the Great Depression) on how to maintain, preserve, uphold, sustain (and create resiliency in) our lives on practical levels.
Some of the skills offered during Reskilling Expos are: beekeeping, canning, foraging, growing edible green spaces, traditional compost, vermicompost (worms), compost tea, anaerobic compost, year-round edible gardens, solar cooking, incubation and non-toxic control of invasive plants, bread-making, seed saving, jam making, fermentation, graywater, rainwater catchments, composting toilets and the propagation of native trees and culinary and medicinal herbs (among others).
ReSkilling helps us respond successfully and practically to the uncertain coming times. (Saturn opposite Uranus transit is still to come. The Great Revolution.) It provides a sense of empowerment through the practical solving of problems, and a sense of belonging (community) by working alongside others. In what ways do each of us need to be “re-skilled?” And what can we teach others? (read more about Transition Town, Reskilling, new moon, Celestial Events at nightlightnews.com).
ARIES: Your skills are completely embraced by all groups and you have the ability to completely transform others as you progress out into the world of humanity through teaching. There’s an aura of concern and Right Relations and love that can extend from you to others. It simply needs your awareness and a context/place wherein you can teach. You are of course the leader.
TAURUS: As you become more and more sensitive to diet and health you realize you can teach others. This will be a great service to many for few understand the workings of the body and even less how to bring adequate nutrition into daily life. Taurus is the illumined mind. Therefore, think on what you can illumine others with, what information you’ve gathered, how you can better serve first yourself and then all of humanity through information on food.
GEMINI: It’s a gift to know how to play and have fun, understanding that in life there’s pleasure (amidst suffering). It’s a skill to have a hobby and to choose recreation during times of stress. Knowing these things allows you freedom and then an unusual state of leadership. Children especially love you with your ability to play, which strengthens your heart and affection for everyone. Can you teach playfulness?
CANCER: Gardening is an intrinsic skill you possess. You are the nurturer of new life and the seeds of creation. In the womb of your awareness, things grow and green, bloom and flower. Tend to all those around you in this way from young ones to elders. Tend also to your environments, home, family and community. Each sign fosters a gift. Your gift is foundational to life itself.
LEO: It’s good to take long walks in your neighborhood, aquainting yourself with its flora and fauna, the animal and plant kingdoms, your neighbors and to map the flows of traffic. It’s also good to make contact with family, friends and relatives, to study your relationships with them, make amends, send forgiveness, nurture love. In these ways you show others your combined mental and heartfelt capacities to make contacts, which always, releases Love and wisdom.
VIRGO: Your skills of orderliness and organization, detail and discrimination are deeply needed by humanity for many of us were not taught these abilities when young. Our parents were working with different energies. The Virgo skills are subtle yet highly effective building a sense of empowerment that leads to success in terms of practical and daily living abilities. Think on your skills. Radiate them toward humanity. We then learn from you.
LIBRA: The Sun in Libra allows you a new identity and new identities come forth when we learn new skills. Therefore, the idea of being re-skilled is very important for you at this time creating a powerful and dynamic energy that can lead others forward into a new way to handle money, the environment, information, and the art of Right Human Relations. Before the Aquarian Teacher can reappear, humanity needs Goodwill and RHR leading to the process of peace. You understand and your smile and intelligence radiate these.
SCORPIO: A crossroad appears, you see two paths, you conjure yourself walking both paths yet you remember the story of Arjuna and realize you must choose one path very soon. Walking the middle path is only for the purpose of understanding polarities. Each is an opportunity. Which path is best for you, which has value and leads you to more than a state of happiness (personality). Which leads you to service and joy (Soul path)?
SAGITTARIUS: Are you making unusual connections with others, seeking a teacher or guide, asking questions of your contacts with others, and are you sensing a closeness different than before? All social contacts contain an opportunity for radiating Right Human Relations. This creates a magnet in your life and in turn your hopes and wishes begin to come true. Ponder upon what you do that’s benevolent. Have benevolence as your goal.
CAPRICORN: The world may honor your presence and work and sense of service and loving responsibility. Should someone stand in your shadow or shift the deserving light away from you, relocate yourself to another sunbeam. However do show others your compassion and understanding, a skill you’re cultivating. Don’t gossip. Nothing you ever do goes unnoticed. Honor elders and superiors with loving intention.
AQUARIUS: It is an excellent time, before further retrogrades occur, to create long range plans and agendas, contact future clients, begin the process of approval needed for expansion, make travel arrangements and within all of these listen to what others have to say. In your planning do not argue, move slowly, tend and respond to all communications. In this way the future flows into the present with speed, discovery and harmony.
PISCES: Show others that you have a great ability with money and resources. You are often seen as someone unable to tend to practical matters. However, you are very able although your process is skillfully different that most. The important issues facing you now are money, resources, gold and silver, precious metals, banking – all things financial. Some Pisces also may need a new car. Ask for help. Then others learn your specialized ways.
Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in Santa Cruz, CA.
Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.
Website: www.nightlightnews.com