Local costumer finds fun in celebrity re-creations
When the world shut down for quarantine, I went from working in a creative field to making masks for our local healthcare workers,” says Bentonville resident Jennifer McClory, who works as a costumer for various regional theater companies, including TheatreSquared, which supported the mask making.
“I needed a creative outlet, so I started in the one place a wardrobe/costume team member would gravitate — my closet,” she goes on. “At first I was just posting outfits that fit a daily theme. Then my friend and colleague, Mark Landon Smith, posed a challenge to the local creatives to re-create scenes from movies, television or theater as a way to have some fun while in quarantine.”
McClory says she started with the Audrey Hepburn look from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “had so much fun putting that look together that I decided to try more.”
“My son got involved and one of my best friends who is also a wig designer,” she goes on. “We set up some basic rules just to add to the challenge aspect of it. I had to use things I already had on hand, and we couldn’t spend more than about 30 minutes per picture, the quicker the better.”
When the Met Gala was canceled, McClory joined the Met Gala Challenge on social media with her Sarah Jessica Parker/Alexander McQueen look from the 2006 gala.
“It was featured on the challenge’s hashtag on Instagram, and NBC News in New York City contacted me to interview me live on the news about my look,” she says. “The anchor talked about how she loved seeing all my posts and how I was bringing a smile to people’s faces. I started to get a lot of messages from friends as well as strangers that echoed her sentiments, so I decided to continue doing my daily looks. Since theater is ‘at intermission’ right now, this is a way for me to continue to be creative.
“Times are really hard for a lot of people right now, so to hear that I’m making people smile is enough for me.”
Follow McClory at @ijenmac on Instagram and @iJenmac on Twitter.