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Making Ripples

What Creates Wind?

Northwest Arkansas received quite a lot of wind recently, and spring will bring more in the coming months.

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Secrets In Local Stone Walls

In the children’s book “Stone Wall Secrets,” Kristine and Robert Thorson write that “there are thousands of stone walls crisscrossing woods and fields as if they have been there forever.

Making Ripples

What Trees Do in Winter

They may look dead, but most wintertime trees are playing ‘possum.

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Let It Glow: Natural Light In The Darkness

There are countless ways that nature plays with light, even in darkness.

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The Santa Within

Whether or not one believes in Santa Claus as we know him today, perhaps everyone has a bit of Santa within themselves: generosity.

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Solstice Savvy: The First Day of Winter

The turning of the year comes ‘round again, and winter officially begins at 4:44 a.m. central time on Dec. 21.

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Ways To Make A Difference This Holiday Season

Do you have a favorite holiday commercial rerun? Some commercials have been playing for nostalgic audiences for decades.

Making Ripples

The Buck and the Birdbath

The “crunch rhythm” in the leaf litter suggested something large was approaching hesitantly.

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Gratitude Journals Are Tangible Mementos

Gratitude journals can keep track of what the overstocked pantries of our minds cannot.

Making Ripples

The Buffer Of Nature And Lifestyle

Everybody has a bad day sometimes. But some people weather their bad days better than others, and lucky for us, it has little to do with luck.