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Leave room for dessert

I made sure to leave room for dessert, which wasn’t easy. I asked for the chocolate creme brulee and was told that all they had was the Godiva creme brulee. When I was asked if that was OK, I giggled a little because you could put Godiva liqueur on a slice of cooked liver and almost convince me to eat it. Almost.

Legacy Archive

News of the Weird

Playboy magazine has long published an audio edition, and the Library of Congress produces a text edition in Braille. However, as a Houston Chronicle reporter learned in August, a Texas organization (Taping for the Blind) goes one step further, with volunteer reader Suzi Hanks actually describing the photographs — even the Playmates and other nudes.

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SPECIAL BEST-OF EDITION — Dear Mexican: What is it with the Mexican hang-up on body parts?

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A Different Difference Day

Birthday wish: I’d like to take a quick column-inch to wish a Happy Birthday to Kim Scott! It’s my column and I can say what I want to … say

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Hop In The El Camino

I’ve never been a big fan of the ever-present beans and rice served at Mexican restaurants, but beans with green salsa in it? Totally awesome.

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Tumbler a Tasty Turn

Overall this is a pleasant brown ale that would pair as nicely with brats and ribs at a tailgate party as it would with a vegetable beef soup or venison. Get this seasonal while you can.

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The University of Arkansas is proving again how to be on top. I’m not talking about the new recruits for 2011 Razorback athletics, although that’s definitely exciting. I’m talking about keeping up with the times, i.e. technology.

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Ask A Mexican

Dear Mexican: Mexico is truly an amazing, beautiful country! Huge oil reserves, mineral deposits second to none, tourist potential unparalleled! And yet Mexicans have turned it into a backwater, undeveloped narco-ruled Third World cesspool of corruption and poverty.

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News of the Weird

▲ Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, feeling under-respected academically, commissioned an in-state firm to create a direct-mail campaign highlighting the many benefits of a Drake education. The pitch to potential students, which was rolled out in September in brochures and on Drake’s website, is called the “Drake Advantage” and is graphically represented (curiously, for an academic institution) as “D+.”