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Part II: Hidden Truth About Israeli-American War Crimes

In the previous essay, the true terrorist motives for 9-11 were listed, as opposed to the lie that “they hate our freedom.” These reasons were our military bases in Muslim holy lands, our military invasions and sanctions that killed half a million Iraqi children, and American-Israeli foreign policy.

Legacy Archive

War Crimes ‘R’ U.S.

For many of us, the policies of these rulers were far more alarming than a few non-state terrorists. Sure, non-state terrorists can blow up a few buildings and kill some people, but it pales compared to state terrorists with multimillion dollar warplanes bombing thousands of times more life and civilian property. Equally disturbing was the systematic assault of our cherished constitutional rights.

Legacy Archive

From Slavebreakers to Community Partners

For the longest time I could not speak about Michael Brown, Eric Garner, John Crawford III, Akai Gurley, or any of the many black men who have been slain by police in recent months.

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This Time, “Free Speech” Cannot Prevail

As a long-time anti-domestic violence activist, though, I am deeply concerned about the use of social media to harass and abuse others. A decision in favor of Anthony Elonis in Elonis v. United States, expected in summer 2015, will have potentially grievous implications for the safety of persons in abusive relationships.

Legacy Archive

Letter to the Editor: Civil Rights Ordinance

The true intent, as stated in the language of the ordinance, is to make a statement that Fayetteville respects all its citizens and visitors, regardless of their race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

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Climate Change Challenges: Support the Environment or the U.S. Military?

Having lived through the 1991 Desert Storm bombing and the 2003 Shock and Awe bombing in Iraq, I tread carefully when speaking about any danger greater than war that children in our world might face.

Legacy Archive

Protect Fayetteville Police

In light of the erupting civil unrest over police brutality, it would be prudent to proactively protect Fayetteville, including the police. We must do everything possible to not only protect all citizens of every color from abuse of power, but also policemen.

Legacy Archive

The Topsy-Turvy Fight For Fayetteville Ordinance 119

In the early morning hours of Aug. 20, after 10 grueling hours of public comment, the Fayetteville City Council approved, 6-2, an ordinance protecting the civil rights of all persons to be free from unfair discrimination.

Legacy Archive

Reclaim Armistice Day and Honor the Real Heroes

More than a few veterans, Veterans For Peace among them, are troubled by the way Americans observe Veterans Day on November 11th.

Legacy Archive

Toward Deeper Equality and Liberty

Among my peers, liberty is a principle many idealize, and rightly so. However, an additional principle is detrimentally marginalized. This principle is equality, which precedes freedom.