Legacy Archive
Fayetteville Votes Yes on Library Expansion: Library property tax levy to increase to 3.7 mills
Fayetteville voters approved a millage increase Tuesday that will help fund a proposed expansion of $26.5 million needed for the Fayetteville Public Library.
Morality and War: A New Future for All?: The Annual OMNI Remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Hope of Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
Steadfastly, OMNI remembers the deaths of the innocents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and renounces war and threats of war.
Break-In: The Kremlin-Trump Connection
Richard Nixon had “The Plumbers.” Donald Trump, it seems, has the Russians—either the FSB (Federal Security Service, formerly the KGB), the GRU (military intelligence), or some pro-Moscow outside group.
“No Conflict Has Ever Been Solved with Violence”
The inside of Obama’s head must be a fascinating place.
Is Brexit the End of the World?
To judge from a New York Times front-page article that appeared two days after the British vote to withdraw from the EU, the entire post-World War II global financial and political structure that the United States led into existence is now imperiled.
Undeterred: Amid Terror Attacks in Europe, U.S. H-bombs Still Deployed There
At the Kleine Brogel base, there are an estimated 20 U.S. B61 nuclear bombs to be carried and delivered by the Belgian Air Force’s F-16 fighter jets. Yet these weapons “did not come up in news coverage following the [March 22] Islamic State bombings in Brussels,” Arkin wrote for NewsVice.
Why is the Orlando Murderer’s Gender Not Central to the Story?
The massacre in Orlando was carried out as an act of rage. By a man. Who had access to military-grade weapons. And had unmet mental health and trauma needs.
Cowgirl Diplomacy? Foreign Policy Under Hillary Clinton
America’s mainstream media, ever attracted to the splashy rather than the serious, has a new topic to occupy the time until Election Day: President Trump. What will he do first?
Evaluating Obama’s Foreign Policy Record
The more Trump talks, the better Barack Obama looks.
Getting the Story Wrong: The Distortion of American Politics by the Press
Ever since the foundation of the American Republic, there has been both praise for and suspicion of the role the press plays in U.S. political life.