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Underground Brings Folk Music Star

Cathy Barton and Dave Para will be in concert Fri., Feb. 8, at the Underground


Boom! Kinetic Reaches To Global Audience

Mix the newest craze of light dance/electronic music with soft, indie male voices, catchy pop tunes and emotion-tugging lyrics


MEMPHIS: The Inspiration For The Story

Staff Report Memphis disc jockey, the late Dewey Phillips — also known as “Daddy-O-Dewey” is thought by many musical historians to be the person most responsible for integrating American radio


Dark Secrets of American History From Voice Of Girl

Staff Report Dark Secrets” is the first in a series of historical fiction novels, based on the life of Ollie McNew. In early childhood, a grandmother influenced Ollie’s belief in


American Aquarium Takes Country Scene, Outlaw Style

I’ll take American Aquarium’s blend of Americana/Outlaw/Alt-Country/Roots Rock…


High Strangeness

By Robert Laurence In 1963, in Kansas City at the age of 14, Geoffrey Oelsner knows — “senses” would be the wrong word — without being told that his grandmother


Author Does What Most Won't, Records It

Staff Report Michael Crow said the most important thing about his writing is that his books are not about him, but what people can take from the things he’s seen


Woodwork Of The Alien Reef

Staff Report Johnny Adkins of Fayetteville has heard many times that he should have an art show. “And for various reasons, the time has arrived,” he said. Walking up to


The “Lionheart” in Folk Americana

What folk Americana means today


Behind the Stacks

Free Music From the Public Library By Willow Fitzgibbon Adult Services Manager Greetings from behind the stacks of the Fayetteville Public Library, and welcome to our first Free Weekly Column.