8 Days a Week
First Thursday, May Festival of the Arts, Joe Martin Stage Race
All events listed in 8 Days a Week are open to the public.
Sapphire, Outdoor Festival, Dowsing
All events listed in 8 Days a Week are open to the public. To submit a listing, send to Fayetteville Free Weekly, P.O. Box 1607, Fayetteville 72702, or e-mail sporter@nwaonline.com at least two weeks prior to event. Submissions are printed as space allows. Photographs and art are also considered.
First Thursday, First Friday, Easter Feed
All events listed in 8 Days a Week are open to the public. To submit a listing, send to Fayetteville Free Weekly, P.O. Box 1607, Fayetteville 72702, or e-mail sporter@nwaonline.com, at least two weeks prior to event. Submissions are printed as space allows. Photographs and art are also considered.
8 Days A Week
All events listed in 8 Days a Week are open to the public. To submit a listing, send to Fayetteville Free Weekly, P.O. Box 1607, Fayetteville 72702, or email sporter@nwaonline.com, at least two weeks prior to event. Submissions are printed as space allows. Photographs and art are also considered.