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Time to Uproot Some Perennial Farming Myths

As California descends further into its worst drought in recorded history, Golden Staters are looking for someone to blame. Many city-dwellers have pointed fingers at the State’s farmers and ranchers.


Walk About, Take In Your Surroundings

Before I begin, I want to point out that this column isn’t for the people who jog, play with their children outside or have dogs that need to be walked often.

Making Ripples

Solar Cooking with the All American Sun Oven

August is hot enough to fry an egg. So why not use August to literally fry an egg? Or at least make a quiche. Or roast a chicken.

Making Ripples

DIY Squirrel Feeders

If you have a charismatic hungry squirrel in your life, it can be hard (or impossible) to shoo it away from the bird feeders which you lovingly stock with great expense each month.


Walmart of War No More

The New York Times recently published “Criminal Inquiry Sought in Hillary Clinton’s Use of Email.” Regardless of criminality or not, why hide governmental email?


A Second Amendment Thing

Following the shootings at a movie theater in Lafayette, La., governor Bobby Jindal proposed a plan to put metal detectors in movie theaters.

Making Ripples

Are Invasive Species Bad?

There’s an old saying: if it’s not broke, don’t fix it!


Feeling the Bern from Wall Street to Dickson Street

Beware of the Bern! Ivory tower pundits dismiss the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, but a grassroots revolution appears to be spreading like wildfire.

Making Ripples

Lovely Ladybugs

Do ladybugs bring good luck? Well, not if you’re an aphid.


An Open Letter To [The Majority Of] Modern Politicians

I’ve got a major bone to pick with the way this country is operated.