Rebooty And The Beast
Right about now, you’ve got to be recognizing the unexpected benefits of those gas station attendant shirts with the guy’s name sewn onto them.
Three Spring Festivals – Aries, Taurus, Gemini – Restoring the Plan on Earth
Since winter solstice, the New Group of World Servers has been preparing for the Three Spring festivals (Aries, Taurus, Gemini solar festivals at the time of the full moon), and especially for Wesak, the Buddha Full Moon Festival in Taurus.
New Rhythms, New Archetypes, New Ideas for a New World
We are in the full stream of Aries fire now. Spring has arrived and new life is emerging in the Northern Hemisphere. The new Spiritual Year began at Spring Equinox
Loot Conquers All
If gift price is tied to meal price, it seems there should be a sliding scale.
A World Of Blurt
Confessing your crush to your married co-worker is like arranging a transfer to her — of your 26-pound tumor: “His name is Fred. He enjoys fine wine, banned preservatives, and cigarette smoke. I hope you’re very happy together!”
Venus Retrograde in Aries
Venus is retrograde in Aries. Retrogrades are times of re-evaluation and review. Venus represents our possessions, values, relationships (lovers, partners, intimate friends).
Born Jesterday
Using a pre-printed card to hit on the ladies makes a powerful statement: “I’m looking for a kind woman to nurse me back to masculinity.”
A Ruse Is A Ruse Is A Ruse
A year ago, the woman who pet-sits for me began inviting herself over for dinner. We started going out about three times a week.
Conflict & Chaos Between the Ages
We are completing the month of Aquarius this week. However, Mercury remains in Aquarius and we are entering the Age of Aquarius (Ages last 2,500 years). So Aquarius will be with us for a very long time.
Stare Trek
The 40-year-old guy I’m dating swivels his head to check out ladies everywhere. He even comments on those he finds attractive. I’ve mentioned that it bugs me. He contends that