Savings And Alone
Candlelight all over your apartment is really romantic — unless you’re using it because they’ve cut your power off again.
Get Off My Yawn!
So, you just want the security of marriage with all the excitement of dating somebody new — which is kind of like wanting a latex hood and ball gag that are also a comfy old pair of slippers.
Waters of Life Poured Forth for Thirsty Humanity
The sun enters Aquarius Thursday afternoon right after Mars squares Saturn (a transit that can be a quite challenging – we move forward and are pulled back).
Flee Willy
There are two ways to solve this problem. One is to say, “Hey, I’d really like you to stay the night.” The other is to hide his shoes and keys.
Waters of Life Poured Forth for Thirsty Humanity
The sun enters Aquarius Thursday afternoon right after Mars squares Saturn (a transit that can be a quite challenging – we move forward and are pulled back)
“I Have Seen the Promised Land”
On Thursday, Mercury slowly moving forward, re-enters Capricorn. All communication becomes practical, matter of fact and may sound harsh.
Epiphany & the Three Astrologer Kings
In our beginning weeks of January 2017 there is already much activity in the skies influencing each of us.
Meme Streets
Sending a mass email is a great way to get some piece of information out to everybody — from your best friend to 1.4 million people on Twitter to three random drunk dudes who really shouldn’t be on their phones at their boss’ funeral in Estonia.
Solstice, Hanukkah & Christmas – A Star Shines Forth
With the Sun entering Capricorn, winter is here (northern latitudes). Mercury is retrograde also in Capricorn and in the sky soon (Christmas morning) the planets (Venus/Jupiter) that formed the Christmas star more than 2000 years ago are trine (harmonious) on this Christmas morning, 2016.
Sleeping Booty
There are some wonderful committed relationships that started off with “I want to spend the rest of my boner with you!”