Sight For Thor Eyes
Like you, I happen to like men who look like their hobbies are chopping down trees and going to war with foreign powers.
North & South Nodes (Dragon Points) Change Signs
We have a Gemini new Moon Thursday. The new moon highlights a shift and change in the heavens of two important points in astrology charts – the North & South Nodes (Dragon points). The nodes are neither planets nor signs.
Don Yawn
Ever gotten new carpeting? The first month, it’s “No shoes and no drinks whatsoever in the living room!” A few months after that: “Oh, we don’t use glasses anymore. Just splash red wine around and drink right off the rug.”
Preparing for Wesak – the Buddha Full Moon Festival
This Wednesday Mercury becomes stationary direct. It takes Mercury three days to begin to turn around and move forward.
Swarm Fuzzies
Ideally, “I’ve never felt this way before!” reflects something a little more romantic than longing to tunnel out of your relationship with a sharpened spoon.
New Moon, Beltane, Mercury Direct
The week begins with the Taurus new moon. At new moon times the New Group of World Servers supports the endeavors of the women and men of Goodwill everywhere.
Caveheart: What to Do When You’re Dating an Introvert
Taking an introvert to a party can be a challenge. On the other hand, if it’s a Fourth of July party, you know where to find him: hiding in the bathtub with the dogs.
Planetary Shifts, Movements, Retrogrades and a New Moon
Sun enters Taurus, Wednesday, sign of illumination. Around midnight, Sun joins Mercury in Taurus, offering an important message.
Two Retrogrades & Two Festivals
Two planets (Saturn and Mercury) retrograde this week and we have two festivals (Palm Sunday & the Aries Spring Festival). Sunday is Palm Sunday and next Sunday is Easter.
Greed Between The Lines
Once again, it’s Christmas. Ooh, ooh, what’s that under the tree?! Once again…it’s the floor.