Leo-Sirius Festival – the Heart of All That Matters
Monday, August 7, is a lunar eclipse, full moon (15.25 degrees Leo) and the Leo/Sirius Festival. At lunar eclipses, something in our outer material world disappears, it’s work complete. Leo
Automation To Blame
Husband needs flashing arrow to keep towel off bed My otherwise wonderful husband always leaves his wet towel on the bed (on my side!). I’ve asked him to stop doing
No More Mr. Knife Guy — Advice Goddess
Background checks good only for false sense of security You’ve answered some questions about online dating recently, but I haven’t seen you mention dating sites that do criminal background checks.
Everyone is Royal
Leo is the sign of children, friendship, fun and games and most important, self-identity through what one creates. Leo’s hair is a lion’s mane, rising up from a high royal
Men Need Plain Speech
Hinting to a man is like emoting to a salad A guy friend of 20 years and I once fooled around years ago. Though he has a girlfriend, he keeps
Amidst the Lion’s Roar
Thursday is very complex this week with many planetary collaborations. What are they? Moon in Gemini (this & that, up & down, here & there), Mars enters Leo, Venus/Pluto, Sun/Uranus
Obedience of the Heart — Risa's Horoscopes
There is a quote from the Labors of Hercules (book) that explains the task given to Hercules (humanity) during the month of Cancer. Hercules represents humanity (the World Disciple), living
Looking For Mr./Ms. Right
Online profiles only as real as the person behind them I’m a woman looking for a new boyfriend and considering various online dating sites. Some have long questionnaires, and
I Build a Lighted House & Dwell Therein
Risa’s Stars By Risa D’Angeles Saturday night (July 8) to early Sunday (July 9, day of rest), before and just after midnight, a full moon, reflecting the light of the
Subject To Interpretation
Dating sites work best if you’re the preferred catch My girlfriend and I broke up recently, so I’m back in the dating pool. Do you think online dating is a