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Male Call

Sports vs. Suits

Q. I hope you can answer my question. Is there a difference between a sports jacket and a suit coat? Can a suit coat be worn as a sports jacket

Male Call

Top Ties

Q. It seems ridiculous to spend $100 or even $40 on ties when I need 20 or more and I can find them at 2 for $20. Isn’t the money

Risa's Astrology

Rosh Hashana – Calling Humanity to Reconciliation

Sunday night, the first night of Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year (the year 5779), ended Tuesday evening. It celebrates creation and we contemplate upon (our) humanity’s role in G-d’s world.

Advice Goddess

Codger And Me and Can’t Bi Me Lov

Codger And Me I’m a 22-year-old guy, but I look 14. Boomer co-workers often use me as an example of a bad millennial, attacking me for Dread Smartphone Overuse (conveniently

Male Call

Fashion Week

Q. You have written that you regularly attend Fashion Week in New York, and I just read that it is going on now. What is it like and is it

Risa's Astrology

Re-Thinking the Way We Live – Pocket Neighborhoods

Mercury, the messenger, is the planet of sharing information, communication, and developing new and interesting ideas. Mercury works with Virgo, the sign of gardens, new realities, organizing and tending to

Advice Goddess

Swarm Feelings and Dead Wait

Swarm Feelings I’ve been flirting with two guys all year. I feel a connection and chemistry with both, but neither’s asked me out yet. This weekend, I’m attending a going-away

Risa's Astrology

Burning Man – Build Together, Burn, Dismantle & Leave No Trace

We are in the time of orderly, discerning and disciplined Virgo, sign of new and higher states of awareness. And always Virgo is just in time for Burning Man (Monday,

Advice Goddess

Mock Love To Me and Pitch-Slapped

Mock Love To Me My boyfriend has this irritating habit of making fun of my outfits or my spray tan. When I get upset, he says I’m being “sensitive.” I

Male Call

Cufflinks for the regular shirt and regular man

Q. I know it isn’t an actual style but would it be entirely wrong to have the cuffs on my regular shirts tailored to put a hole where the button