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Male Call

Correct length for cardigans and blazers depend on the wearer

Q. I know it’s warm weather season, but I still wear a cardigan or a blazer in an over air-conditioned restaurant. I was shopping for both of these, and was

Risa's Astrology

Sun in Cancer – Summer’s Gate Opens (Northern Latitudes)

The Sun enters Cancer Thursday, June 20 and it’s summer solstice (northern latitudes)! Summer begins when the Sun reaches its highest point in the heavens (Tropic of Cancer). Solstice is from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). At

Male Call

Are mismatch seersucker jackets and pants a thing?

Q. I have a radical question. Can you mismatch seersucker jackets and pants with each other?  Like a green-and-white seersucker jacket with, say, blue-and-white seersucker pants?  Please respond.  A. That

Risa's Astrology

Flag Day & Father’s Day – Honoring Both

We are in our last week of Gemini, before the sign of Cancer summer (northern latitudes) begins. In this last week we have Flag Day and Father’s Day, two important

Male Call

Which shorts are best for summer

Q.  Pretty much everyone I know only wears shorts on summer weekends, but I’m usually unsure whether they look right on me. I worry that they are too short or

Risa's Astrology

Weddings & Families – a Study

The sign Gemini, the month of June, and the love/wisdom sign of Jupiter all bring thoughts of weddings to mind. Both Jupiter and Gemini receive love flowing from Sirius and

Male Call

Breathable clothes a must in summer heat

Q. I am looking for clothing that is more “breathable” in the hot weather. Yesterday I went to the garden shop at Home Depot, and I was sweating just carrying

Risa's Astrology

Gemini, Charming, Humorous, Curious

June, the wedding month (two becoming one) belongs to Gemini, sign of the twins (think in twos – two minds, two eyes, two hands, two legs and arms). Gemini, the

Male Call

Black Tie versus Creative Black Tie – How to dress for both

Q. My wife and I are attending two upcoming weddings with specific dressing requirements. One invitation reads, “Black Tie Invited” and the other says, “ Creative Black Tie.” Can you

Risa's Astrology

Red Poppies in Flanders Fields

Thursday, May 23, 2024, is the Gemini solar Festival. I wrote about the Gemini Festival of Humanity, World Invocation and Goodwill Day in last week’s column. Thursday, is a very