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Risa's Astrology

The New Bethlehem Star – Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius

Everyone’s talking and writing about it. The Aquarian Age. The great star event. The Jupiter/Saturn Great conjunction in Aquarius. The Christmas Star. The Bethlehem Star. The Aquarian Age, the new

Advice Goddess

Drop Dud, Gorgeous and Fate Club

Drop Dud, Gorgeous I typically avoid conflict to keep from having ugly conversations. I’m in an unhappy relationship, and it’s clearly not fixable. I always rely on the other person

Male Call

Why the necktie?

Q. Why do I need to wear a necktie? This seems like an idea that was born and should have died last century! A. A necktie adds a certain seriousness

Male Call

Dress for success

 Q. My husband has an executive interview coming up for the position of president in a new company. In the past he moved his way up in an informal setting,

Risa's Astrology

Goals, Festivals, Revolution, Eclipse – Something Essential Falls Away

Monday is Sagittarius new moon, solar eclipse, 23 degrees. Eclipses, a six-month event (three months before, three months after), signify something essential falls away; it is complete, and something new

Advice Goddess

Adoptee Strainer

My boyfriend, who was adopted as an infant, just heard from his birth mom for the first time ever. She contacted him out of the blue, sending a perfectly nice

Male Call

Good dry cleaners keep ties tip top

Q. I was talking with the only other doctor in my practice who cares as much about clothing as I do. He said he found his best tie had a

Risa's Astrology

Light in the Darkness, Festivals of Light

December, month of hopes, anticipations, dreams and expectations (and suspense for the little ones), is filled with festivals that bring light to the ever-increasing darkness. There is a feeling that

Advice Goddess

Flee Bites And All Night Yawn

Flee Bites I broke up with my boyfriend because he didn’t prioritize our relationship and wouldn’t commit. He now wants to get back together and has been sending me cards

Risa's Astrology

Gratitude — Magic & solace to a suffering world

Thanksgiving is different this year. I send gratitude to my readers, my family, friends & loved ones and to all of Earth’s kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal, human, angels and spiritual