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Risa's Astrology

Taurus, the Most Patient of Signs

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, unfolds the second heart petal, following the fiery sign of Aries. As all signs signify elements, Taurus is fixed and earth, thus stabilizing

Male Call

Clothing colors can make you stand out, in a good way

Q. I recently noticed how good my boss looks in certain shirts and I think this is exactly your point when you write about choosing clothes based on coloring. He wears

Risa's Astrology

Passover, Full Moon, Resurrection & Easter Festivals

This coming weekend is filled with festivals, spanning three levels of humanity’s development. We have the Jewish festival of Passover (beginning Friday at sunset); the Aries Festival, Festival of Love

Advice Goddess

RIP, Amy Alkon’s science-based syndicated advice column: 1995 to March 31, 2022.

My column, for years, ran in over 100 papers across the US and Canada, and in the military paper, the Stars & Stripes. It is “applied science,” meaning I read

Male Call

Big tips for the short man

Q. I am only five feet five in height. I know there are some shoes I can buy called “elevator shoes,” but I don’t know much about them and am

Risa's Astrology

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 10, is Palm Sunday, a week before Easter (Resurrection Festival). Christ (Pisces World Teacher) ended His time (40 days/40 nights) in the desert and on Palm Sunday, rode

Male Call

Tie rules for traveling in Europe

Q. Someone wrote recently about travelling to Europe and I too am going to England and wondered about stripes and plaids. I think certain families have their own tartans and some

Risa's Astrology

Mercury in Aries – What We’ve Never Said Before

The new moon for the new spiritual year occurs around midnight this Thursday night, Friday morning (depending on our location). It is the new moon for the new spring season

Advice Goddess

Meat Cute And Guess Leak

Meat Cute In using dating apps, I go by who looks cute in photos (followed by a call). But I keep going on dates and finding I have zero physical

Male Call

Is the shine too bright: Can men’s jewelry be too much?

Q. This is probably a strange question, but how shiny can men’s jewelry be? My high-end watch is a bright gold and it sometimes seems too gaudy. I also am planning