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Male Call

Are fancy suits boring?

Q. During the Super Bowl, why did the whole group in the pregame TV show wear suits? I know they all want to look professional, but they aren’t in an

Risa's Astrology

Pisces – Revealing the Light of Truth

Monday at sunset the Hebrew feast of Purim begins. This is the feast of Queen Esther as she tells the truth of her culture and identity. Her truth saves her

Male Call

Wedding attire for a summer in New Orleans

Q. I am going to an evening wedding in late June in New Orleans. Considering the heat, what would be the proper dress code?  (I am the grandfather of the groom.)

Risa's Astrology

Two Fishes with a Silver Cord

Esoteric Astrology as news for week February 22 – 28, 2023 Two Fishes with a Silver Cord We are under the light of Pisces until March 20, when Sun enters

Male Call

The “popped collar” style: In or out?

Q. I recently read an article about the men’s style of wearing a “popped collar.” It referred to it as dated and described the look as uppity, snooty, and obnoxious. It

Risa's Astrology

Lent – Purification & Preparation for Spring

Esoteric Astrology as new for week February 15 – 21, 2023 Lent – Purification & Preparation for Spring Throughout history humanity has created rituals and celebrations that reflect the different

Male Call

Are nice adjustable dress trousers a thing?

Q.  Each winter I gain about 10 pounds which I then lose from my activities in spring and summer. I’d like to change this but it’s pretty consistent. So it

Male Call

Men’s fashion for those cold mornings

Q. As I was freezing running from my car to my office this week, I decided I needed to buy/wear some trousers that are warmer. The problem is I’m not

Risa's Astrology

February Festivals – Rituals, Celebrations, Holy Days

February is the very heart of winter in the northern hemisphere. To offset possible winter’s gloom, and h help humanity have hope that spring is near, the month begins with

Male Call

Boutonniere etiquette

Q. I was wondering about boutonnieres. I have always thought it is a fun look, but wonder if it is in style or ever was.  I have two weddings coming up,