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Advice Advice Goddess

Beyond Thunderdomes

Stopping her would be easier if you two were guys: “I don’t like the way you’re talking about my boobs, Marjorie. Let’s take this outside.”

Advice Advice Goddess

Break Room With A View

It’s generally best to score hookup partners from the larger population pool — men whom you might occasionally run into at the grocery store, as opposed to every 45 minutes in the coffee room.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Radiating the Will-to-Good – Becoming Goodwill in Humanity

The first three days (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) after the Gemini festival of Goodwill, the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) and women & men of Goodwill radiate the Will-to-Good to Earth and humanity.

Advice Advice Goddess

Owe, Baby, Baby

Some personal financial crises are caused by unexpected events, and others simply by how one answers certain basic questions, such as “Hmm, get waxed or continue living with electricity?” or “I can’t decide: New brakes or traffic-stopping hair?”

Advice Risa's Astrology

Gemini Festival of Goodwill, World Invocation Day

This entire week is a preparation by the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) for the June full moon (Tuesday) & to welcome the Forces of Reconstruction, great outer planetary forces streaming into the Earth at the Gemini Solar Festival.

Advice Advice Goddess

Rise And Spine

There’s little that tempers a man’s enthusiasm for a late-night shag like responding to his “want 2 hook up?” by texting back, “YES! i’m ovulating & dying 2 have a baby!”

Advice Risa's Astrology

Gemini Sun, Pentecost, Shavuot – Enlightenment & Gladness

As the Sun enters the sign of Gemini – sign of speaking, communication, thinking, inter-relations, writing and understanding languages, the feast days of Pentecost & Shavuot (Catholic & Jewish festivals) occur.

Advice Advice Goddess

The File High Club

If there’s a next logical step after late-night office sexytime, it probably isn’t “Now that we’re done despoiling the conference table, let’s go meet each other’s parents!”

Advice Advice Goddess

The Shoo Must Go On

I’ve been dating this guy long distance for six months. He’ll often fail to return texts for an entire day or even a few days. I keep breaking up with

Advice Risa's Astrology

Remember the 4th Commandment

On Mother’s Day – Venus in Cancer (the protector). Sun in Taurus (comforter), Aquarius moon (nourisher). Mother, the comforter (Taurus), nurturer, nourisher (moon). Mother’s Day (Sunday) this year, with Aquarius