Halloween, Altars, Forgiveness
Saturn, the Dweller on the Threshold (one side) and the Angel of the Presence (the other side) can be interesting Halloween characters.
The Hurt And Confused Locker
Sure, according to Pat Benatar, “love is a battlefield.” But spending three months fighting with a sociopathic boyfriend doesn’t leave you ducking for cover whenever a car backfires like a guy who did three tours of IED disposal in Iraq and came home with most of the parts he went in with.
Sun Enters Scorpio, United Nation’s Day, Full Moon
Wednesday and Thursday (21st, 22nd) are the last days of Libra. Friday, a very complex day, Sun enters Scorpio. During Scorpio we can expect the Nine Personality Tests, Scorpio’s emphasis on death and regeneration and its call to Discipleship.
The Alone Ranger
Just like women, men often verbalize complex emotions — for example, “I want sausage andpepperoni on that.”
High, I Think I Love You
Getting the chills the moment you set eyes on a person may be a sign that you have love at first sight — or an incipient case of malaria. (In time, you’ll find out whether you have lasting love or lasting liver damage, seizures, and death.)
Choices Offered in Libra
This is our last week of Libra Sun. Libra prepares us for Scorpio. For the tests and trials of discipleship. Libra is the sign that oscillates up and down until we come to rest, to a state of contemplation, the meditation in Libra.
Photo-Bomb Scare
Welcome to the place relationship dreams go to die, also known as social media.
Mercury Direct in Libra, Columbus Day, Libra New Moon,“Let Choice Be Made”
Mercury completes its retrograde Friday, poised stationary direct Friday evening at 0 Libra. Mercury begins its journey through Libra once again, completing its retrograde shadow October 12.
Hurl, Interrupted
Psychoanalyst Erich Fromm wrote that mature love is “I need you because I love you.” Rather different from “I need you because I don’t want to be living in a packing crate when I’m 50.”
Saturn in Sagittarius –Beginning the Noble Journey
A few hours after Mercury retrograded last week, Saturn (teacher, discipline, structure, Dweller on the Threshold), after two & a half years in Scorpio, entered Sagittarius, sign of the Archer. Saturn remains in Sagittarius ‘til December 20, 2017.