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Advice Advice Goddess

Livid And Let Livid

Nothing like screaming obscenities into somebody’s face to get them to respond, “Gosh, I forgot how much I love you. And I really want to make all of those changes in myself.”

Risa's Astrology

A New Year – Looking Back into the Future

The new year of 2016 begins Friday. Adding the numbers 2+1+6 equals nine (9). Nine signifies endings, completion, fulfillment and a major initiation (all year) into a new cycle of learning.

Risa's Astrology

Winter Solstice, Gifts, Our Eyes Toward Bethlehem

Monday, the 21st, at 8:48 pm (west coast time) the Sun enters Capricorn. The days before solstice (and Christmas) are days of quiet expectancy.

Advice Goddess

A Man Walks Into A Barnacle

You need “time to yourself”? Great. She can do that. Just call her when you’re ready. No, not on the phone. She’ll be out on your porch in her sleeping bag.

Advice Advice Goddess

It’s Always Darkest After The Spawn

Getting married is supposed to be something you do when you find the right person, not whichever person happens to be right next to you when the clock above your ovaries strikes “HolyshitWe’re30!”

Advice Risa's Astrology

Forces of Light & Dark & the New Group of World Servers

Wednesday, December 9, Pluto opposes Sirius (13 Capricorn/Cancer joining the US Sun, 12 Cancer).

Advice Risa's Astrology

Gratitude – For Each New Morning With its Light

The full moon of Wednesday brings light to Thanksgiving (Thursday) under the Sagittarius Sun and Mercury. Mercury in Sag offers humanity the message (Mercury) of thankfulness and joy (Jupiter).

Advice Advice Goddess

Dust In The Lust

Admittedly, women aren’t going to psychics and asking, “Tell me, Madam Sasha…will he have recreational sex with me? I NEED TO KNOWWW!”

Risa's Astrology

Simplicity – Preparing for Thanksgiving

When we study and apply astrology in our daily lives, we are anchoring new Aquarian thinking. Study, application and use of astrology, understanding its language, builds the new world, the new culture and civilization.

Advice Advice Goddess

Sweeping Beauty

It was so much easier when we only wore fig leaves and you could just rake next to the bed.