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Male Call

Options to keep your feet warm in dress shoes

Q. My feet are always cold in my dress shoes in the winter. I’m wondering if there is anything wrong with buying a pair one size larger and either inserting

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Bargain-basement dressing is a false economy

Q. I have a few colleagues who generally know how to dress professionally in our firm, but they wear cheap suits or sneaker type footwear. They certainly make enough to

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Fashion rules are made to be broken, wisely

Q. I’m back – remember me from “Seersucker after Labor Day”?  I thought your recent correspondent was hilarious – he was still appalled 19 years later that his colleague wore

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Tips for the sophisticated dresser

Q. I often hear women tell their husbands not to embarrass them when dressing to go out. My wife has never said that to me, but I am somewhat concerned

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Shoes color rules for the well dressed man

Q. Dear Ms. Fenton: I’ve followed your column in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for years. It was 2005 and I was in a business meeting at a large Houston hospital. I

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The pros and cons of synthetic and natural fibers

Q. I have been reading your column for a long time and have noticed that you seem to have a prejudice against synthetic fabrics. I wonder why? A. Yes, you

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What you need in a men’s dress coat

Q. My winter coat has been a parka since I moved from a warmer climate, but I am wondering if it looks unprofessional. If I were to buy a new

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What outfits are OK for a formal wedding

Q. I received an email from a reader with a photograph of himself dressed in an outfit that he was asking about, and the following question: “Ok for a formal

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Hey, try on those clothes before you buy, even guys

Q. I was clothes shopping with my brother and realized why some of his clothes don’t seem to fit him right. He was finding good clothes on sale but not

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What are reasonable expectations for groomsmen’s attire?

Q. Over the initial excitement of our engagement, my fiancé and I are beginning our planning. We are trying to think of all the elements before deciding on location (perhaps