Risa's Astrology
ARIES: The keys to your achievements at this time while also seeking freedom and independence from all restraints, are passion and creativity. Don’t be confrontational lest you lose power and
ARIES: An interlude (pause) is occurring in your relationships with others. It may feel different and disconcerting. The reality is that a balance is taking place, so you can ponder
ARIES: Libra Sun highlights your relationships, marriage, partnerships, interactions — professional and personal. You are seen as loyal and trustworthy. Those are virtues to cultivate in order to have authentic
ARIES: An interesting planetary configuration is occurring between Pluto and the other planets. Especially for you, Aries. A connection between your work in the world and relationships, partnerships. It’s best
ARIES: Through autumn you will consider many things related to Taurus — comfort, your value system, finances, resources and earning power. An interesting (perhaps fleeting) thought may concern worthiness —
ARIES: Those who work with you seek your mentorship and direction. You’re the structure and light needed that lights their way. This is not a compliment. It’s a responsibility of
Horoscope: Aug. 18-24
We are seeing in our world today the “withering of the law”, the old ways falling away, having completed their usefulness.
Horoscope: Aug. 11
The full moon, Leo solar festival, is Saturday around noon (Pacific time). Leo calls us to a self-identity, which then allows us to choose, in this worldwide critical time.
Horoscope: Aug. 8
As we progress through Mercury retrograde, the past shows up for remembrance and review.