Risa's Astrology
Flag Day, Father’s Day, New Moon & Summer Solstice
We honor, on Father’s Day, all fathers, celebrating the principle of fatherhood, all paternal bonds, recognizing the vital and important influence of fathers in society and the family.
Weekly Horoscopes
ARIES: Being creative is a self-identity. Creativity calls you to initiate new endeavors that respond to all the changes coming your way in terms of work, how you’re recognized, relationships
Light Beams, Interplay, Mutability, Duality & Constant Flux
This week’s occultation of Venus overshadows our world for months to come, signaling a series of financial situations leading us further into a state of economic awareness.
June Full Moon
Two weeks ago at the Gemini new moon Solar Eclipse, something subjective, internal, invisible and essential ended. Endings also proclaim new life and realities emerging. The Gemini Festival is also the Festival of Humanity, and the force invoked is the Force of Reconstruction, an extraplanetary energy.
First Fruits and Freedom
Gemini is the matrix of the mind, the place where multiple streams of thought can harmonize to create vision and unity. Mercury is Ray 4 of Harmony Created Through Chaos and Conflict.
The Grand Trine
We have an interesting and eventful week. Saturday’s sky has a Grand Trine in earth signs of the three planets that rule Scorpio.
May Full Moon Festival
During Wesak, the Taurus solar festival, the Forces of Enlightenment are called upon to remove hindrances and to expand humanity’s discrimination and discernment. It is the “will of God” that we have these capacities to achieve liberation from materialism, make appropriate choices to build the new era (Aquarian Age), and “discover” the Path of Return.
From Darkness to Light
Taurus is the “penetrating Light of the Path of Return.” This beam of Light enters the Earth from the point in Aries (bringing forth all things new). The Taurus Light irradiates and uplifts the physical world, illumines our minds and shifts our desire (for things of the self) to aspiration (helping humanity).
Earth: Humanity's Shadow
Like our Earth, whose needs and presence are forgotten, there’s an Earth point on every astrology chart. It’s in the sign opposite the Sun sign. Read more about your shadow.
Mars Direct, Retrogrades
This time of retrograde is a time of reflection and forgiveness. Review actions and embrace forgiveness to avoid regret.