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Risa's Astrology

Capricorn — “I have been to the mountaintop”

We are in our last days of Capricorn Sun. On Sunday, the Sun enters Aquarius and nine hours later, we have the Aquarius solar festival full moon lunar eclipse. Something

Risa's Astrology

Capricorn — Lost in Light Supernal

Capricorn, our 10thsign and 10thLabor of Hercules, continues. We (all of humanity) are Hercules. Capricorn is the sign of the goat climbing the mountain, becoming a unicorn on the mountaintop.

Risa's Astrology

The New Year — Signs in the Heavens

We begin the new year with Mars entering Aries (new realities, new endeavors), two eclipses (the old ways disappear), a new moon, and Uranus (disruption, surprises, new rhythms) turning direct

Risa's Astrology

The Bird Chirps of the Future

In sacred liturgy, the days of December 26 – January 8th are referred to as the 12 Days Of/After Christmas – a time in which we walk with the Three

Risa's Astrology

Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All

Winter Solstice. Return of the Light. Return of the Sun. End of darkness. Our hearts, our inner Sun, vivifying, coming alive again. Solstice (Yule) is Friday, (a complex day) when

Risa's Astrology

I Looked Up and Saw a White Horse

We are in our last days of 2018. Soon the new year begins. We have less than a month till Christmas and then the New Year. Till then, we have

Risa's Astrology

Festivals of Light, New Moon, Mercury in Shadow

The upcoming week is active and can feel rather complicated. We are in the midst of Hanukkah, Jewish Festival of Lights (it began last Sunday evening, Dec. 2nd& ends Dec.

Risa's Astrology

Sagittarius – a Beam of Directed Focused Light

Every month the light distributed to Earth from each sign (Spiritual Hierarchies) is different, holding different tasks for the humanity’s evolution. Each sign also describes the connection between the Soul

Risa's Astrology

Thanksgiving – a Mercury Retro/Full Moon/Void-of-Course Day!

Sun enters Sagittarius Thursday, which is also Thanksgiving and at the end of the day, a full moon (1-degree Sagittarius around midnight). Not only are we in a Mercury retrograde

Risa's Astrology

A Return Journey — Mercury retrograde

As Venus becomes stationary direct, Friday (Nov. 16), Mercury becomes stationary retrograde. An interesting intersection of planetary movements. Although soon in direct motion, Venus will remain in her retrograde shadow