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Risa's Astrology

Lionhearted Leo Sun, Mercury Retrogrades

Leo is the sign of fun and friendship, of children, games and creative self-identity. Leo’s hair is a mane rising up from a regal high forehead. The lion appears on

Risa's Astrology

Leo’s Creative Gifts & the Aquarian Summer Salon

We rejoice when the Sun enters Leo, sign of the heart of all that matters, sign of the intelligent heart and the heart of intelligence. Leo is the fifth sign

Risa's Astrology

The Kali Yuga – a Time of Darkness & Destruction

On February 18, 3102 BC (at the death of Krishna, the world teacher), a time of Lawlessness began on our earth. It was the beginning of the Kali (dark) Yuga

Risa's Astrology

Saturn Retrogrades – SlowTime Begins

Planet of (slow) time, the time keeper, the teacher teaching structure, boundaries and above all life lessons that must be learned. This is the planet Saturn, which retrograded this past

Risa's Astrology

Building a Lighted House for Humanity

We are now under the sign of Cancer, the first water sign, the second cardinal (initiating) sign. Cancer is the “gate into matter.” It signifies the womb of the mother

Risa's Astrology

Sun in Cancer – Summer’s Gate Opens (Northern Latitudes)

The Sun enters Cancer Thursday, June 20 and it’s summer solstice (northern latitudes)! Summer begins when the Sun reaches its highest point in the heavens (Tropic of Cancer). Solstice is from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). At

Risa's Astrology

Flag Day & Father’s Day – Honoring Both

We are in our last week of Gemini, before the sign of Cancer summer (northern latitudes) begins. In this last week we have Flag Day and Father’s Day, two important

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Weddings & Families – a Study

The sign Gemini, the month of June, and the love/wisdom sign of Jupiter all bring thoughts of weddings to mind. Both Jupiter and Gemini receive love flowing from Sirius and

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Gemini, Charming, Humorous, Curious

June, the wedding month (two becoming one) belongs to Gemini, sign of the twins (think in twos – two minds, two eyes, two hands, two legs and arms). Gemini, the

Risa's Astrology

Red Poppies in Flanders Fields

Thursday, May 23, 2024, is the Gemini solar Festival. I wrote about the Gemini Festival of Humanity, World Invocation and Goodwill Day in last week’s column. Thursday, is a very