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Risa's Astrology

Aries: Mars to Mercury — Our Destiny Changes

Mercury turns direct Thursday in the early morning at 16 degrees Pisces. Mercury remains in its retrograde shadow until the 17thof April. We therefore move forward cautiously with plans, communications,

Risa's Astrology

On Beginnings …

Here we are at the beginning of a new season (spring), a new sign (Aries), planets (Mars, Mercury, Uranus) and a new element (fire). Spring is the beginning of a

Risa's Astrology

Spring Equinox, Aries Festival, Flowers Scattered About

Multiple festivals occur simultaneously this coming week. Spring Equinox, International Astrology Day and the Aries solar festival (at the full moon) are Wednesday, March 20th. Persian New Year, Holi (Indian

Risa's Astrology

Kali Yuga, When the Darkness is Allowed to be Seen

Here we are in a Mercury retrograde, under Pisces (two fish hiding behind ferns)…and at the beginning Lent (40 days & nights of purifying our elementals). Pisces is the sign

Risa's Astrology

Mardi Gras, Mercury Retro & a Cross of Ashes (Lent Begins)

We are preparing this week, in Pisces (last sign of the zodiac containing all the eleven previous signs), for the first Mercury retrograde of 2019; Mardi Gras (festival); Ash Wednesday

Risa's Astrology

Chiron Enters Aries — Hearts Remain Open

Monday, Feb. 18, 2019 – Chiron (a small solar system, an asteroid, between Saturn & Uranus) has left Pisces and entered Aries (all things new). Chiron remains in Aries until

Risa's Astrology

Valentine’s Day – being of love a little more careful

We are in our last week of Aquarius, sign of humanity itself, of community, of freedom and awakening to the beauty of future visions, group life and service to the

Risa's Astrology

Losar (Tibetan: ལོ་གསར: lo-gsar; “new year”) – a festival

Losar, (Tibetan word for “new year”) is an ancient new year’s festival predating Buddhism and celebrated in Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal and India. It begins on the first day of the

Risa's Astrology

February Festivals and Chinese New Year

St. Brigid’s Day, Candlemas, Groundhog Day, Imbolc, Aquarius new moon – these are the beginning of February’s festivals, all of them having to do with light – uplifting humanity from

Risa's Astrology

Aquarius – Cooperation & Cooperatives

The Sun entered Aquarius last Sunday, prior to the lunar eclipse. Aquarius is the “Light that shines on Earth and across the sea.”We (seekers, aspirants, disciples, Initiates) have returned to