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Male Call

No shirt, no shoes, no fashion

Q. I can’t stand it when men wear open-toed sandals in the city. I guess they’re okay at the beach, but why do men think this is acceptable? A. I

Family Friendly

Oats For The Goats

Boger’s petting zoo comes home to Lowell BECCA MARTIN-BROWN “Bunky was a rodeo clown, working the rodeo in Deadwood, S.D., and I was there as a spectator,” Connie Boger


Through Others’ Eyes

Seeing how experience shapes perception JOCELYN MURPHY Though its gallery hours remain suspended in response to covid-19, Fayetteville nonprofit Art Ventures perseveres in its mission to promote the visual


The Band’s Back Together

Fort Smith Symphony plans socially distanced season BECCA MARTIN-BROWN As he does every spring, John Jeter, music director of the Fort Smith Symphony, announced the upcoming 2020-21 season. But


Four Minutes, Four Questions Barry Cobbs, APT

BECCA MARTIN-BROWN Barry Cobbs is a hometown boy made good. A graduate of Rogers High School, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Film at the University of Missouri

Making Ripples

Ready To Ride?

Bicycles great for recreation, transportation AMANDA BANCROFT Making Ripples Cycling the Razorback Greenway seems particularly popular right now as people try to avoid crowded indoor venues and enjoy safer outside

Risa's Astrology

A Story for Our Present Times

Arjuna was a student of Krishna, his Teacher. One morning Arjuna woke to the sound of shouts and the clashing of swords. Looking outside his window he saw armies at

Advice Goddess

Womb With A View

Womb With A View My friend constantly talks to me about her baby on the way and asks me to help her pick out furniture and clothes for it. This

Cover Story

Arrowheads To Animation

Sky’s the limit for MONAH online BECCA MARTIN-BROWN “Stop typing and close your eyes,” David Bogle instructs a reporter during a phone interview. “Picture an American Indian in your