International Day of Peace at Autumn Equinox

As Archangel Michael, the great protector, assumes protection of the Earth, the Sun enters Libra (Autumn Equinox)

On Saturday morning at 7:50 a.m. (west coast), sword in hand, as Archangel Michael assumes protection of the Earth, Sun enters Libra and Autumn in northern latitudes begins. We are in the midst of the dark half of the year, leading to winter solstice. Libra is the sign of Right Relationships created through intentions for Goodwill, the equation that leads to Peace. On Friday, inaugurating Libra and the autumn season, the International Day of Peace (IDP), with a Sag Moon (justice, fairness, honesty, integrity), is celebrated.

Established in 1981 at the United Nations and celebrated as the General Assembly opens (3rd Tuesday of September), the International Day of Peace is a day of cease-fire & non-violence. All peoples urged to honor a “cessation of hostilities, creating a day of education and programs concerning the process of Peace.”

2012’s theme is “A Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future.” During the day humanity is asked to reflect upon the grievous physical, emotional, mental, spiritual toll wars take on all kingdoms (mineral plant, animal, human), affecting all lives well into the future. Wars “rob humanity of opportunities to develop, create jobs, safeguard environments, fight poverty, reduce risk from disasters, advance social equity and ensure everyone a place to live and enough to eat.” War robs humanity of basic human freedoms. The Forces of Materiality, perpetuating war, understand these consequences.

There is a Peace Bell set within a cypress-wood Shinto shrine on the grounds of the U.N. Given to the UN as a peace symbol June, 1954, the metal made from coins collected by delegates’ children from 60 nations, the bell is rung, inaugurating the International Day of Peace for all nations. The land where the UN is located belongs to all nations. Inscribed on the bell in Japanese characters, “Long live absolute world peace.” Peace on Earth, Goodwill to everyone on this day.

Facebook for IDP –
Culture of Peace & Peacebulding activities around the world –

ARIES: Your natural fiery, risk-taking, initiating, temperamental, independent behaviors will be tempered a bit. Restraint and control will enhance your ability to communicate and act in the world. This is good. Giving you time to observe how relationships are faring, how resources are being handled, and what intelligence you must bring forth next.

TAURUS: Some Taurus people find they are ill, not feeling strong these days. However, strength and new immune resistances begin to develop, helping to eliminate many physical ailments from the past. Diet should be light, eliminative. Old habits and ways of being will be challenged in daily life. Listening deeply to others is the only way harmony will come forth.

GEMINI: The focus in your life shifts into acts of creativity. You wonder what your creativity is. Love is your creativity; your very creative act. At first Gemini is focused upon the mental – gathering and dispersing information from and to all sectors of life. Then a calming process begins and love enters all aspects of life. Then wisdom. And your purpose comes forth under astrological watch.

CANCER: You seek to deepen roots with family and connections with friends. You attempt to provide a stable home, constantly looking for ways to nurture and bring forth the best foods and care, needed for the mind, body and spirit of everyone around. Allow yourself no judgments or criticisms. Plan informative meetings with others. Many need your careful observing knowledge.

LEO: You’re proud of your gifts, abilities and accomplishments. You’re often very humble of them. You work hard, and sometimes feel you haven’t done an adequate job. Let me say you always do the best to the point of exhaustion, which comes when you persevere beyond abilities. Remember also there are no mistakes. Do not judge yourself. Ideas from others may come forth. They are valuable.

VIRGO: Again the question is what you value. Create a notebook of values. Begin with the letter “A” and end with the letter “Z” and fill in the pages under each letter. Do this for the entire month of Libra. Simultaneously, list under the letters what you have been liberated from and what would make your life more fruitful. In the meantime tend to all financial obligations with gratitude.

LIBRA: The Sun is in your house of self-identity, self-recognition and how you’re seen in the world. You become more sensitive to what pleases (and displeases) you, to needs generally and specifically. In all interactions support and establish a deep rapport of care. Make no demands. Create more beauty. It strengthens your spirit. And inspires others.

SCORPIO: Your depth of focus, research and abilities are only matched by Pisces. You are cautious, yet confident in decisions. Often you must protect yourself and not be daunted by those who oppose you. If questions come your way at this time, be sure to listen carefully and objectively. You can be blind sometimes to certain realities. Expand your ability to carefully listen. Seek to understand others’ realities.

SAGITTARIUS: You ponder upon what you have gained, experienced and accomplished in the world. Look upon your past with a sense of wonder, continuing to recognize that what we are given is what we actually shared with and gave to others. An ancient maxim says, “When we give much more is given to us so that we may give and give again.” Continue this art of giving. It’s insures good fortune.

CAPRICORN: Review the many aspects of your life. Ask yourself if there is an area (or two) that needs transformed, needing to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. Perhaps the coals in those ashes are still hot. Does something somewhere need rekindled? Is it possibly a level of love or spirituality? It is a good idea to dedicate yourself to the Will-to-Good, which nourishes you first and then everyone else in your life.

AQUARIUS: You have many ideas concerning humanity. You see humanity’s needs. Your ideal is to bring these ideas forth into form and matter so that humanity’s living can improve. In your personal and professional life you are sensitive to the qualities of fairness, human rights, respect, truth and freedom. You live within this framework. You may begin to travel more. Exercise with fortitude.

PISCES: In your personal life, tend to all financial obligations, all bills and debts. Explain when you find this difficult or impossible. Tell the truth. Truth holds us. A transformation is occurring within. A spiritual choice is being made. Don’t give up. Call forth strength and confidence when challenges arise, which they will. Pray for an intervention. Do your yogas – hatha yoga combined with raja yoga.

Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Alice Bailey teachings.
Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology

Categories: Legacy Archive