Speaking Proper Spanish
Generally, I agree with your view. But my question is why can’t we also promote the use and practice of PROPER SPANISH in this country?
‘L.A. Noire’ takes GTA in new direction
“L.A. Noire” is the new open-world diversion from Rockstar Games, the developer behind the wildly popular “Grand Theft Auto” series. In short, this is a fantastic game, but it’s no GTA.
On The Clock
Each week in workshop, we begin with a 10-minute warmup exercise to help participants shake loose of the mental clutter of their day and open up the awareness that comes from a deeper place.
Under The Cover Of Nightclub
We were together exactly nine months when he called and suggested we go dancing. Ten minutes after I arrived at the club, he broke up with me.
'Tails' From The Shelter
Recently, the shelter took in 43 kittens in a two-day period. While many people have stepped up to foster these little kittens, there are still many more that need foster (or forever) homes.
Tilburg's Dutch Brown Ale
Tilburg’s Dutch Brown Ale is brewed in the tiny village of Tilburg near the Belgian border.
Upper Lip Is Hairy Business
Facial hair is making a comeback and in grand fashion.
Like Martina On Steroids
Betty and I have always tried to be out as much as possible. Every job I have applied for since our Holy Union, I have dropped the words partner or companion in the interview. I do not want to live in the closet.