Tag "trump"

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The Shape-Shifter: Making Sense of Trump Foreign Policy

People in the media are having difficulty in figuring out where Donald Trump’s administration stands on foreign policy issues.


Find The Adults And Get Them In The Room

Trump attacks others, from the Pope to Gold Star families, on a routine basis, often based on no evidence, exaggerated claims, and he claims trends based on cherry-picked cases that


Trump’s First Week Will Have Lasting Damage

It’s been about two weeks of President Donald Trump, and we’ve already experienced an international embarrassment with an immigration ban on passengers from seven Muslim-majority countries that had to be blocked by the Judicial branch.


Photos from the Fayetteville Presidential Inauguration Protest

The afternoon of the inauguration of 45th President Donald Trump, a group of as many as 400 people gathered at the College Ave. and Dickson St. intersection in Fayetteville to air their grievances Friday, Jan. 20.


All The King’s Men

As we continue slouching toward Jan. 20, Trump continues to stack his cabinet and break his campaign promises.