Legacy Archive
Music highlights this week range from some stellar local and touring bands in the clubs and several concerts by University of Arkansas ensembles.
Washington County Spay Day
Last year about half of the unwanted animals taken in by the Fayetteville Animal Shelter were euthanized because they could not find homes. Exactly 2,301 animals had to be put to sleep.
White Panther, Black Mambazo
Singer and satirist Roy Zimmerman will bring his Real American show to GoodFolk at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 25. Real American is 90 minutes of Zimmerman’s funny songs and commentary of American politics.
Will LaPage At OPWC
Like the beautiful resources of our state and national parks, William LaPage, who lives near Eureka Springs, is a national treasure.
The True Home Of Pinot Noir
This week we’ll look at one of the world’s favorite grape varieties and where the best is grown.
Fayettechill Embodies Essence Of City
First of all, thanks to whomever sent me the note about Brandon Keener.
'e' wine of the week
Congratulations to Bordino’s and chef Chrissy Sanderson who are currently featured in a nationally published newsletter from California winery Vina Robles in the Paso Robles wine region.
ddp Gallery Transition
The ddp gallery in downtown Fayetteville will no longer have regular gallery hours, but will host select exhibitions and events.
Whine, Whine, Whine
Whining must be giving porn a run for its money as the chief use of the Internet these days. Internet-capable phones just make the problem worse. Now you can talk about your troubles anywhere.
Ozark Blues Society
Ozark Blues Society performers and volunteers are back from the International Blues Challenge in Memphis.