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BB & BBQ Day 1

Not much to say so far.  No official words on the number of people in town, but the Bikes, Blues press machine had this to say: Talking with the Fayetteville

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Bikes, Blues – Saturday Schedule

Saturday, Oct. 2 8:00am – 1:00am Beer Gardens Open 8:00am – 9:30am Stokes Air Battle of the Bikes – Registration 10:00am – 11:00am Stokes Air Battle of the Bikes –

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Beer Bavarian-Style

Konig Ludwig is an imported Bavarian weissbier from the Kaltenberg brewery, near Munich. The Bavarian Royal Family has operated the brewery for nearly 700 years.

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The Tried And True Triad

I’m going to write about three Northwest Arkansas institutions that consistently have good food, good atmosphere and good service. I could call it something like the Tried and True Triad — or the Tried and True Trinity if I felt especially biblical.

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News Of The Weird

The Washington Post reported in May that high school and college-age adults had complained that condoms given away by the District of Columbia’s HIV-prevention program were of too-low quality and that the city should spring for deluxe Trojan Magnums (in gold-colored packaging, giving them, said a city official, “a little bit of the bling quality”).

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Ask A Mexican

Dear Mexican: I understand NYC isn’t your jurisdiction, but maybe you have some insight, or maybe this is also a problem for other smart and successful Latinas.

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Great steaks with great wine

Perhaps no combination is as loved in the world of wine as a great steak and a bottle of red wine.

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Vegetarian For A Day

When I tried the seitan at Whole Earth I was alarmed. It’s that much like meat, people! If I didn’t know it wasn’t meat, I’d swear it was. It was kind of like if you ate a piece of apple pie and then had someone tell you it was really made from sea anemones.

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Monty Python’s Holy Grail

You won’t say ‘Ni!!!’ to this Holy Ale Wamp’s Wisdom Monty Python’s Holy Grail ale is an offering from the Black Sheep Brewery in Masham, England. It’s the official beer