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The Fuzzy Accounting Behind Renewable Energy’s Falling Prices

Fans of the renewable energy industry like to boast that the costs of solar and wind power are dropping. What they never mention is where most of those “savings” are coming from — American taxpayers.

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Did the Vatican Just Throw Out Its Just War Doctrine?

Last week, the Vatican hosted a conference on the theme of “Nonviolence and Just Peace.”

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On Earth Day, Commit To The Great Turning

As we commemorate Earth Day on April 22, we are called upon to recommit to protecting our planet to ensure that the human species and our fellow beings will have a long-term future.

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The Panama Papers And The 1%

One of the many tools at the disposal of multinational corporations (MNCs) for maximizing profits and undermining state sovereignty is moving operations to low-tax countries.

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The Wesak Festival, Buddha Full Moon

Many years ago in the early 1970s I encountered an article in an alternative paper with symbols and shapes used for a festival called Wesak.

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Arkansas’ Gender Wage Gap Costs The State’s Women Billions, Study Finds

On average, Arkansas women employed full time, year round are paid just 78 cents for every dollar paid to men — a yearly pay gap of $8,755.

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War, Peace, and Bernie Sanders

We’ve had our first big vote, and I’m doing my best to dig Tulsi Gabbard’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders out from beneath the pile of Super Tuesday numbers and media declarations of winners and losers.

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Stifling Academic Freedom, the NRA Way

That conservative forces have long sought to squash dissent and curtail rigorous academic debate on campuses is far from a secret.

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Pisces Sun, Full Moon & Lantern Festival

Friday, the Sun enters Pisces, sign of the fishes, and symbol of “saving humanity.”

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Confronting Our Toxic Legacy

Maybe if we declared “war” on poison water, we’d find a way to invest money in its “defeat.”