Legacy Archive
Risa's Astrology for August 9-16, 2007
The Drama of Leo In and around Sunday’s Leo new moon, the Perseid meteor showers, dramatic and fiery points of light, will streak through the heavens, peaking around the 11th
Forget the flip-flops, Dickson Street is all about Prada loafers
Dickson Street continues to change, becoming more and more upscale, but there’s a “new cool” happening off the strip at other locations around town By Wayne Bell Those who have
Opinion: Doug Thompson and Daddy Warbucks
Beloved villain By Doug Thompson Al Pacino directed a documentary in 1996 called “Looking for Richard” that is only recently available on DVD. The famous actor is somewhat obsessed withHow to ride a bike or Carefully Carefree
By David Fournet NOTE: The following combinations of words are intended to demonstrate the practice of living more in the present rather than planning and preparing excessively. Translation: I read
On the Aisle- Film Review by Tony Macklin
The Bourne Ultimate, Talk to Me, La Vie en Rose
Film Times for August 3 – 9
Film Times Film times are for Friday, August 3 through Thursday, August 8. Key: FS-Fiesta Square, Fayetteville; R6- Razorback 6, Fayetteville; MT-Mall Twin, Fayetteville; S9-Sunset 9, Springdale; PC- Pinnacle Cinema
Highlights- Johnny Winter, Ginny Masullo, High School Musical, Gin Blossums and more
Summer concerts: Gulley Park and Jazz Although we’re still in for some hot weather, the days of summer are waning and some of Fayetteville’s summer concert series will close their8 Days A Week- August 2-9
SPECIAL EVENTS White elephant art exchange at 7 p.m. today at ddp gallery, 7 E. Mountain St. in Fayetteville. Bring a wrapped piece of original art to include in the
Music & Clubs Aug. 2-9
Thursday, Aug. 2 Bayou - Keith Nicholson Bordino’s - Ryan Fourt Trio Déjà Vu - DJ Revellution George’s - Township 13 Jammin’ Java - Bluegrass Jam Jose’s Streetside - TheE Wine of the Week: Malvasia – Bruce Cochran
Hello Everyone, This week we’ll look at an Italian wine and a vineyard that I discovered some years back. Since then I’ve returned many times, for the wine, the food