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Bordino's Happy Hour

Something for Everyone Bordino’s Restaurant Fine Dining, Wine & Martini Bar 310 W. Dickson Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (479) 527-6795 Atmosphere Classy, but not intimidating, the Bordino’s bar offers


Agave Wheat

Wamp’s Wisdom Agave Wheat from Breckenridge Brewery in Colorado pours a hazy golden with a tiny white head. On the nose, bread and grass contend for consideration. After an initial


Hobgoblin Creeps into Halloween Bag

Wamp’s Wisdom Hobgoblin Dark English Ale is a 5.2 percent alcohol offering from Wytchwood Brewery located in the village of Witney, Oxfordshire, England. This full-bodied ale is brewed with chocolate


Rediscover Viognier

eWine of the Week By Bruce Cochran The next time you’re thinking white wine, but want to try something new, consider a Viognier. Like many new things it’s actually being


Arkansas Born

Wamp’s Wisdom Diamond Bear Brewing Co.’s Pale Ale comes from Arkansas’ only production brewery. It pours a ruddy amber with a nice ivory head. Aroma is of earthy hops and


Eat It – Last Meal

Preamble Ramble All aboard the Argo! We’re off on another voyage on our Quest for the Golden Cheeseburger. Hang on, Argonauts. I’m at the helm of this ship and Zeus


Bean Palace Makes a Fine Plate

By Rachel Birdsell TFW Contributing Writer Preamble Ramble I was out at War Eagle Mill last year around this time for the crafts fair. I wanted to eat at the


Red Seal is Simple, Maybe Too Simple

Wamp’s Wisdom Red Seal Ale from North Coast Brewing Co. in Fort Bragg, Calif., is billed as an American amber ale. It pours a deep copper with a sticky white


Drowning in Delicious Delirium

Wamp’s Wisdom Delirium Nocturnum is an 8.5 percent alcohol offering from Huyghe Brewery in Belgium. Pour is lively with lots of carbonation. A head of tightly packed bubbles lingers, marking


Fallin' for that Lovin' Oven

By Rachel Birdsell TFW Contributing Writer Preamble Ramble Recently, two of my sisters moseyed down from Kansas City for a short visit with their favorite sister. One day we were