Local Salsa Star Makes Return
Boris Silva, salsa singer-songwriter, will appear as the special act of the month for Salsa Night on Saturday,
Jan. 29 at Teatro Scarpino in Fayetteville.
Memorials In The Median
These little piles of beads — sometimes piles big enough to have bikes — are obviously memorials to deceased family and friends. My question is this: Why the need to litter the medians or roadsides?
'No Strings' Rounds Up Half A Movie
I think we as a society can all agree that Ashton Kutcher is way more famous than he has any right to be.
Are You Church 'Scum'?
A now-10-year-old church in Denver ministers to (as contemplated by 1 Corinthians 4:11-13) the homeless, the reviled and the persecuted and formally named itself after the actual words in verse 13: the “Scum of the Earth” Church.
Playing The Blame Game
DEAR MEXICAN: I’m not Mexican (or from a Spanish-speaking country for that matter), but I get mad when the gabachos in my town say that all Mexican girls do is take drugs and get pregnant, drop out of school and end up on welfare.
Spacey Delivers In 'Casino Jack'
The movie “Casino Jack” attempts to find the man behind the “jerk who got what was coming to him” sentiments, and while the results are mixed, it does provide an interesting window into the heights of corruption of the Bush years.
Photography, Album Art, Music
I don’t remember the first time I saw Perpetual Werewolf at a house show. I remember seeing photos of the show a few weeks later and wondering what I had missed, only a few feet away.