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Composer Patrick Conlon debuts ‘Phase Change’ with Fort Smith Symphony

“Patrick Conlon wrote three pieces for us this year, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to work with a composer in depth on various works,” says John Jeter, music director of


Showcase Feb. 23 at Momentary introduces hip-hop heavy hitters

While cold weather keeps the Momentary Green quiet, the beat goes on in Rode House this month. “For the first time in Northwest Arkansas history, a major venue is hosting


SoNA concertmaster stars Feb. 17, playing Bruch’s violin concerto

“Up until a few years ago, it was fairly normal for most orchestras to include new music and music by lesser-known composers as a type of ‘medicine,’” says Paul Haas,


Ra-Ve puts Indian heritage center stage at youth festival Feb. 10

Yuva Utsav isn’t an idea unique to Northwest Arkansas. From Hindi, the phrase translates to “youth festival,” and its purpose in the South Asian country is to “generate appreciation about


Music Moves, stars come out for the Arkansas Black Film and Music Expo Feb. 9-10

Music Moves and DAYVISION films have teamed up to celebrate Black film and music once again. The Arkansas Black Film and Music Expo returns to the Fayetteville Town Center Feb.


Comic Kevin McCaffrey laughs his way to new album at The Grove

Netting 30 million views on Instagram and TikTok and having more than 200,000 followers across the platforms is a social media dream come true for many. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come


NWA hip-hop artists play Happiness of Pursuit Festival

A story that flew under my radar last year was the performance by two Northwest Arkansas-based hip-hop artists at the The Happiness of Pursuit Festival in Ontario, Calif., in October


Arts organizations look back on 2023’s accomplishments

As the year rolled to a close, we asked several arts organizations for their proudest moments of 2023. These are the answers we received, edited for space: Fort Smith Regional


2023 In Review: Schola Cantorum, Fort Smith Symphony and SoNA made their musical marks

Every year, we at The Free Weekly challenge ourselves to look back and then look forward. So I looked back myself — and came up with more than a dozen


Tucker-Doss holiday concert Dec. 15 benefits NWA Equality

For their Happy Holy Gays Winter concert, organizer Léo Tucker (formerly Stephen Coger) says that they haven’t even considered suggested attire for the evening and laughs at the idea of