Halloween Scare Tactics
It’s almost Halloween, which means there are a lot of people going to haunted houses.
Queer and Transgender: A Wider View
I’m fascinated that anyone in Fayetteville would suffer from gender madness. As a typical Fayettevillain (peace activist, musician, etc), imagine my surprise when I looked at the list of folks who would repeal our new anti-discrimination law (, and found names of folks I love.
Browbeating, Blustering, Bulldozing Brutes
On any given day we can read in the news about someone being bullied, whether it’s a student bullying another student, a parent bullying their daughter by making her wear
46 Is Only A Number
I’m happy to say that the belt is only slightly bigger than it was at 26. So, what have I learned in the past year?
Hog Town Haters Shaming Unnacceptable
Last week, someone published the names of the people who signed the petition to repeal Ordinance 119, the Civil Rights Ordinance that Fayetteville’s City Council had voted on the month before, onto a website.
Numerous Surprises Make ‘Gone Girl’ Worth Seeing
Of all the books I’ve never read, I’m perhaps most glad to have avoided Gillian Flynn’s “Gone Girl.”
DIY Fall Fun
It’s officially autumn! For a quick and easy fun fall craft that even smaller children can do, try leaf splatter paintings.
Wait a Minute, Mr. Postman
I want to thank all of you lovely readers for the encouraging emails you send, both those filled with praise and those filled with poison. They are all welcome.
The Wonderful White-tailed Deer
There are at least fifty species of deer found throughout the world, including elk, caribou, and our familiar white-tailed deer.
Election Time Again
Election time is upon us again, so I thought I’d take a minute to talk with you all about the importance of your vote, and what is up this year