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Making Ripples

Intellectual Honesty Makes A Big Difference

Perhaps one of the most powerful things anyone can do for the world is to be completely honest about what they can and can’t do to make a difference.

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Plant These Needed Natives

Many articles write about what not to plant (invasive non-natives that range in skill from killing bald eagles to increasing tick-borne illness).

Making Ripples

The Truth About Blue Jays

Blue jays tend to evoke strong opinions. “Ya either love ’um or hate ’um.” In truth, these birds are beautiful, fascinating, and aggressive.

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Real “Easter Bunnies” Across The U.S.

Looking up the history of holiday traditions related to wildlife is as funny (and thought-provoking) as listening to David Sedaris’ work “Jesus Shaves,” a hilarious short piece about students from

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Silent Spring No More

It’s been more than 50 years since Rachel Carson published her book Silent Spring in 1962, raising awareness about the harmful impact of DDT, a pesticide, on our ecosystems.

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The Luckiest Animals

Unlucky animals are generally well-known, such as the infamous black cat.

Making Ripples

Lifestyle Choices Can Change the World

Making a difference means a variety of things to a variety of people.

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Bluebirds Aren’t Blue: Facts about the “Bird of Happiness”

Eastern Bluebirds flash a happy patch of clear blue sky in front of our eyes even on a dull day.

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Southern Flying Squirrels

It’s a bat! No, it’s a bird! No, it’s actually a southern flying squirrel.

Making Ripples

Changing The World With Comprehensive Sexuality Education

When we think about making a difference, comprehensive sexuality education does not often cross our minds.