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Risa's Astrology

Burning Man – Build Together, Burn, Dismantle & Leave No Trace

We are in the time of orderly, discerning and disciplined Virgo, sign of new and higher states of awareness. And always Virgo is just in time for Burning Man (Monday,

Advice Goddess

Mock Love To Me and Pitch-Slapped

Mock Love To Me My boyfriend has this irritating habit of making fun of my outfits or my spray tan. When I get upset, he says I’m being “sensitive.” I

Male Call

Cufflinks for the regular shirt and regular man

Q. I know it isn’t an actual style but would it be entirely wrong to have the cuffs on my regular shirts tailored to put a hole where the button

Advice Goddess

Having It Small

Having It Small I met somebody online, and we have a real connection, but he is agoraphobic and hasn’t really left his bedroom for 10 years. I have a job

Risa's Astrology

Virgo — The Blended Dual Light

We are under the blended dual Light of Virgo, sign of the Madonna gestating a new reality. Virgo holds a stalk of wheat and a stalk of corn in her

Male Call

The waist, the length and the rise: The details on properly fitted pants

Q. I have a very difficult time getting pants to fit me properly. Pants with 38″ waists are too tight, 40″ too loose, and every pair of pants seems weird

Risa's Astrology

What price freedom?

The recent news about censorship by the tech giants & now the news that banks are being asked to share everyone’s banking information has humanity at a place of danger

Advice Goddess

Power Tulle

Too Mush Information My friend was dying to tell her new boyfriend she loves him but waited till he said it first. She, in fact, makes that a rule. Now

Male Call

How short is too short for a pair of shorts?

Q. Currently, what are the shortest length shorts that men should wear. I need a few new pairs but they all seem to extend below the knee, which looks too

Risa's Astrology

Uranus Retrogrades, New Moon Solar Eclipse

Uranus retrograded Tuesdaythis week, joining the other retrogrades (Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron) in this unusual retrograde season. Uranus is one of the “outer planets, beyond the personality-building