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Advice Goddess

A Labor Of Leave and Fade To Bleh

A Labor Of Leave I haven’t had sex since my last breakup, and I’m all lusty. I really like this guy, but he seems to have some intimacy issues. We

Risa's Astrology

We Hear the Hissing of Cobras – Kali Yuga (continued)

Sun entered Scorpio Wednesday, sign of things hidden, dark, mysterious and underwater. And so, we continue the study of the cycle of the Kali Yuga, a winter of darkness in

Advice Goddess

Ingrate Expectations

Ingrate Expectations My husband and I attended his niece’s wedding two years ago. Our gift was money earmarked to pay for their honeymoon. We were miffed that we never got

Male Call

Choose pin stripes for a bold look

Q. You wrote last week about buying striped suits. I already have a chalk stripe suit, but never know what to wear with it. How do I match shirts and

Risa's Astrology

Kali Yuga, When Darkness is Allowed to be Seen

It seems the Kali Yuga was out in full force last week as blackouts progressed in towns throughout northern California. Kali Yuga is a time in which the darkness, usually

Advice Goddess

The Rid Carpet and Same Mold, Same Mold

The Rid Carpet I’m a 30-something gay guy. When I moved to a new city five years ago, I knew nobody except two female co-workers, who became my first friends.

Risa's Astrology

Libra – Everything in Balance

Tuesday evening, as the first star appeared at sunset, the Jewish Festival of Yom Kippur began. Jewish festivals always begin at sunset. The holiest day of the Jewish year, Yom

Advice Goddess

Captain Hookup and Mail Bondin

Captain Hookup I’m a single man in my 30s, and I don’t want a relationship right now. I keep meeting women online who say they only want something casual. Then,

Male Call

Are pin stripes back ‘in?’

Q. While buying a shirt in the men’s department I heard a salesman tell someone that striped suits are back in style. My office is getting more formal, or at

Risa's Astrology

Time of Reconciliation – I & Thou

The twelve zodiacal signs have a deep inner order characterized by inter-relationships, color, Rays, sound and rhythms. The sun crossing the equator at spring and autumn equinoxes creates a division